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#106 : Pluie d'enfer

Résumé: Quand une pénurie d'eau touche la ville, les habitants commencent à se battre pour les ressources restantes. Julia découvre que 2 habitants de la ville ont un étrange lien avec le dôme.


4.6 - 5 votes

Titre VO
The Endless Thirst

Titre VF
Pluie d'enfer

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Photo de l'épisode #1.06

Photo de l'épisode #1.06

Photo de l'épisode #1.06

Photo de l'épisode #1.06

Photo de l'épisode #1.06

Photo de l'épisode #1.06

Photo de l'épisode #1.06

Photo de l'épisode #1.06

Photo de l'épisode #1.06

Photo de l'épisode #1.06

Photo de l'épisode #1.06

Photo de l'épisode #1.06

Photo de l'épisode #1.06

Photo de l'épisode #1.06

Photo de l'épisode #1.06

Photo de l'épisode #1.06

Photo de l'épisode #1.06

Photo de l'épisode #1.06

Photo de l'épisode #1.06

Photo de l'épisode #1.06

Photo de l'épisode #1.06

Photo de l'épisode #1.06

Photo de l'épisode #1.06

Photo de l'épisode #1.06

Photo de l'épisode #1.06

Photo de l'épisode #1.06

Photo de l'épisode #1.06

Photo de l'épisode #1.06

Photo de l'épisode #1.06


Logo de la chaîne M6

France (inédit)
Jeudi 07.11.2013 à 22:30
4.08m / 21.3% (Part)

Logo de la chaîne CBS

Etats-Unis (inédit)
Lundi 29.07.2013 à 22:00
11.41m / 2.8% (18-49)

Plus de détails

Scénario :  Brian K.Vaughan
Réalisation : Jack Bender

Guest Stars :

  • Samantha Mathis: Alice Calvert
  • Beth Broderick: Rose Twitchell
  • Leon Rippy: Ollie
  • Jaret Stears: Clint Dundee
  • Linds Edwards: Waylon Dundee
  • Andrew Vogel: Carter
  • Dale Raoul: Andrea
  • Lucia Forte: Ida Turlow

Joe constate avec Norrie que le dome n'a pas disparu. Barbie et Julia les rejoignent, suivie de Carolyn et Alice.

Big Jim fait son arrivé et retrouve Linda qui l'informe que le révérend Coggins est mort. Jim fait semblant d'etre surpris et se rend compte que la radio ne marche plus.

Julia fait part a Barbie de sa peur que le dome ne disparaisse jamais et que les ressource finnissent. Ce dernier la rassurre et va aider Linda a retrouver ses adjoint.

Angie assomme Junior avec une boule a neige avant de s'enfuire.

Alice sort de la voiture pour prendre l'air mais ne vois pas le camion qui fonce sur elle, elle s'eloigne mais le camion heurte le tuyau du chateau d'eau, qui se vide de toute son eau, Joe et Norrie sortent le conducteur du camion et observent les dégats.

Barbie et Linda arrivent sur les lieux et vont au lac EastPoint pout rammener de l'eau.

Julia va à la station de radio et trouve Dodee avec une antenne Yagee, Dodee lui dit que sa permettrai de trouver la source du dome, et peut-étre méme l'eteindre !

Prés du lac, Barbie et Linda découvrent que tout les poisson sont mort et on était emportée vers le rivage.

A la clinique, Carolyn découvre avec effroi qu'il n'y a plus d'insuline.

Barbie et Linda débarque chez Jim pour lui montrer que l'eau du lac est inflammable.

Jim s'apprette à aller voir Ollie Dinsmore lorsque Junior fait irruption dans son bureau pour lui faire part que Angie s'est enfuis.

Linda calme une émeute qui étais sur le pont d'éclater et révele a Barbie qu'elle est plus effrayé que les habitants.

Big Jim fait un échange avec Ollie, si il lui donne du propane, Ollie alimentra la ville en eau.

Junior continue de chercher Angie, sans succés. Puis il rejoint Linda et Barbie dans la superette.

Angie continue sa fuite jusqu'au SweetBriar Rose ou elle révele ce qu'il lui est arrivé ses derniers jours.

Joe et Norrie cherchent de l'insuline partout à travers la ville.

L'emeute fait rage dans le supermarché. Barbie et Junior empeche les bagarre tandis que Linda et Carter Thibodeau bloque l'accés.

Waylon et Clint Dundee entre par éffraction au SweetBriar pour voler de la viande, Waylon tue Rose en lui donnat de coups de batte de Base Ball et il assome Angie.

Barbie et les autre lance des bouteille de gaz pour disperser la foule, mais malheureusement, ca ne marche pas.

Julia et Dodee continuent de chercher la source. En chemin il rencontre Joe et Norrie et découvrent que le signal vient d'eux.

Joe montre a Dodee et Julia la video de leur malaise.

Barbie sauve Angie en assomant Waylon, il fait part de la mort de Rose à Linda, cette derniére remarque quelqun se faire tabasser, elle s'apprette a tirer sur ces mercenaires lorsqu'il commence a pleuvoir.

Barbie annonce Jim que Rose est morte, Jim leurs ordonne de retrouver les fréres Dundee.

Norrie raméne à Carolyn de l'insuline pour soigner Alice.

Julia retrouve Barbie qui la rasurre en lui disant que tout ira bien, ils s'embrasse, puis partent en direction de la voiture.

Angie se réveille chez Big Jim, qui lui offre du propane et de la nouritture, de l'eau et une arme en échange de son silence concernant le kidnapping de Junior, il lui dit que dans un moment pareil, c'est une bonne chose d'avoir des amis comme Big Jim Rennie. Elle accepte le marché. Junior entre dans la maison et ne comprend pas ce qui ce passe.

People of Chester’s Mill arrives near the Dome.

Joe: I can't believe it. The dome's still here.

Norrie: Good thing they evacuated everyone outside.

Barbie: Hey, you guys okay?

Norrie: We saw the missile hit the dome.

Joe: Didn't even put a dent in it.

Norrie: What's it made of if a bomb couldn't blow it up?

Julia: She's right. How is that possible?

Barbie: I don't know. Nothing about this thing makes any sense.

Ollie: You can say that again. Still smooth as a baby's butt.

Big Jim: Stay back! Stay back, everyone! Remember Sheriff Perkins. Touching that thing exploded his damn pacemaker.

Alice: Norrie?

Norrie: Mom!

Alice: Honey, honey.

Carolyn: Oh, God, are you okay?

Norrie: I'm sorry I ran off.

Carolyn: Oh.

Alice: If anything had happened to you...

Big Jim: Linda? Where are your deputies?

Linda: Well, who do you think I'm trying to find? Have you seen Junior? He didn't evacuate to the factory with everyone else.

Big Jim: Yeah, I'm looking for him myself, but he's a big boy. He can handle himself.

Linda: I wish I could say the same for Reverend Coggins. Carter found his body by the dome where we had Visitors' Day.

Big Jim: Good Lord. Coggins is dead?

Linda: His hearing aid exploded. He must have touched the dome, and it just fried him.

Ollie: First Duke, now the Reverend? Well, how many more of us is this thing gonna kill?

Big Jim: Just take it easy, Ollie. You're scaring people, okay?

Ollie: Well, it's a little too late for that now. We've got a right to know what's going on.

Big Jim: We've all banded together before, and we survived, okay?

Andrea: Yeah, until we run out of food in here.

Ollie: How about electricity? I'm nearly out of propane.

Andrea: Hell, I ran out yesterday. Been warming up canned soup in my fireplace.

Big Jim: I suggest we take this to a town hall meeting. We...

Ollie: What, so you can keep jawing while more people die?

Big Jim: Hey, my jawing's gotten us through plenty, Ollie. Now, why don't you help by keeping your damn head on straight?

Alice: Can we please just get out of here?

Norrie: Yeah, before a fight breaks out.

Alice: It's, like, a hundred degrees today.

Carolyn: Let's get back to the car. Joe, you can come with us.

Julia: Honestly, I'm a little scared. What happens when we run out of everything? What do we do then?

Barbie: I don't know.

Linda: The walkies aren't working. I can't get a frequency. Hey, Barbie, till I can reach my deputies... I'm gonna need another hand.

Barbie: I'll help you, but I don't need your badge.

Linda: Come on, I'll give you a lift into town. We can talk about how this will work.

Julia: I'm gonna head over to the radio station. See if they're picking anything up from the outside.

Barbie: I'll see you later?

Julia: Yeah. Okay.

Ollie: You know what this means, folks? We're never getting out of here.

Andrea: Ollie, at least you have a farm to feed yourself. What about the rest of us?

Big Jim: You have my word, people! No one's gonna starve in Chester's Mill.

At the McAlister’s house.

Angie: It's crazy. Five minutes ago, I thought we were gonna die. It's worse not knowing what's next.

Junior: You don't need to be scared, Angie. Didn't you notice I'm a deputy now? People trust me, just like you should. Whatever happens, I'll take care of you.

Angie hits Junior and runs away.

Junior: Angie, don't do this! Angie! Angie!

On the road.

Alice: Just let me out of the car. Let me out of the car.

Carolyn: Why'd you make me stop? What's wrong?

Alice: I just... I need some air. It's boiling hot in there.

Norrie: Mom, are you okay?

Carolyn: She-She's fine. Alice, just get back in the car. I'll blast the AC.

Alice: What time's our flight?

Carolyn: What flight?

Alice: To L.A. I don't want to miss it.

Norrie: Mom, watch out!

A truck crashes into the water tower. Norrie and Joe goes to rescue the driver.

Norrie: Oh, my God!

Norrie: Joe: Norrie !

Joe: Are you okay? I got you.

Linda and Barbie arrive.

Linda: Is everybody okay? What happened?

Carolyn: Alice didn't see the truck coming. The driver swerved and hit the tower. Joe and Norrie pulled him out just in time.

Hey. Oh, got him.

Barbie: Good job, you guys.

Linda: The pipe's a goner.

Barbie: Where's your tower get its water from?

Linda: Lake Eastpointe. It's our main source.

Barbie: All right, well, we'll haul water from there. In the meantime, we should check it out.

Carolyn: Okay, look-look at me, look at me. Alice, when's the last time you took your insulin?

Alice: I ran out. With the bomb craziness and everything, I just... I lost track.

Carolyn: Come on, we got to get you to the clinic right now.

Alice: Okay?

Joe: What's wrong with your mom?

Norrie: She's a diabetic. Kind of loses it when she forgets to take her insulin.

Julia comes in the radio station.

Julia: What is that noise?

Phil: I don't know, but it's jamming our broadcast. Kind of sounds like the alien from Aliens.

Julia: Well, all the police walkies are making the same sound. Is Dodee picking up any military chatter from outside the dome?

Phil: Oh, screech is jamming that, too. And if it's this loud, then the source is probably close.

Julia: How close?

Phil: Best guess? Mile or two.

Julia: So it's inside Chester's Mill? Listen, if it's that close, maybe we can find it.

Dodee: One step ahead of you, Julia.

Julia: Do I even want to know what that is?

Dodee: Us radio heads call it a "yagi". I rigged it to locate the source of the screech using frequency triangulation. Look, whatever this screech is, it can't be a coincidence that it started just as the missile was about to hit the dome.

Julia: You think the dome was trying to scream?

Phil: Or protect itself.

Dodee: Who knows? But if it was, it might be what's generating the dome itself. We just have to follow the signal to the power source.

Julia: Well, if that's true, then if we can track it down...

Dodee: Maybe we can turn it off.

At the lake.

Linda: It's none of my business, but you're lucky to have her.

Barbie: Her?

Linda: I have eyes, you know.

Barbie: Oh, Julia and I aren't exactly an item.

Linda: Well, from the sparks that I saw flying, you should be. I'd kill to have Rusty back right now.

Barbie: How long you two been together?

Linda: Three years. We're supposed to get married next month. But now it just seems like some dream I made up.

Barbie: What the hell?

At the hospital.

Carolyn: You can't be out. I was just here the other day. You had insulin.

Nurse: We have 23 diabetics in Chester's Mill. Our insulin supply is gone.

Carolyn: Pharmacy has to have some.

Nurse: When Reverend Coggins ransacked the place, he took all of the drugs, including the insulin.

Carolyn: What are we supposed to do?

Nurse: Pray.

Big Jim’s office.

Linda: Jim, we have a situation. The water tower...

Big Jim: Yeah, I know; it fell. We'll just have to get our water from Lake Eastpointe.

Barbie: Can't.

Barbie pours lake’s water in a glass.

Big Jim: What are you doing?

Linda: This is the water from the lake. It's polluted with methane.

Barbie: Must've cut through an underground mineral pocket when the dome came down.

Big Jim: So it's undrinkable.

Barbie: Yeah, until we figure out how to filter it.

Big Jim: What about rain? Is that dome high enough for storm clouds to form?

Barbie: I have no idea.

Big Jim: You know, not too many people take the time to get to know their town. A shame, really. There's history here. Right in our own backyards. My grandfather gave me this map when I was a kid. I used to spend hours poring over it, learning the lay of the land.

There are artesian wells underneath Chester's Mill. You know, some have dried up by now, but, uh... This one here is still flowing strongly. It's right under Ollie Densmore's place.

Barbie: And I'm guessing he owns the rights.

Linda: We have to go see him.

Big Jim: No, no, no, no. I've known Ollie long enough to know that he can be a pain in the ass, so... I'll go talk to him.

Angie runs into the wood.

Junior goes to see his father in his office.

Junior: Dad.

Big Jim: Where you been? You okay?

Junior: I can't find Angie. She's gone.

Big Jim: Was she with you when the bomb went off?

Junior: Yeah, but she... Got away.

Big Jim: Well, then find her. If she opens her mouth about being locked up...

Junior: Wait a minute. Now, I've been looking for her. Besides, you're the one who let her go.

Big Jim: Damn it. Don't you put this on me, Junior. This is your mess. And right now, I got one of my own. So for once in your life, do your own damage control. Get out there and find that girl.

Outside the Town Hall.

Barbie: Hey, so how long has Big Jim known Ollie Densmore?

Linda: Way Duke told it, all their lives. Jim and Ollie would be friends one day and then enemies the next. They'd patch it up over a burger at Sweetbriar, but... They'd be fighting about something new the following week.

Barbie: And speaking of fighting, we should probably check this out.

Near the Grocer's shop.

Terry: Folks, listen, I'm sorry, but the only payment I can accept is either propane or batteries.

Folks: So our money's no good now? I mean, we got cash.

Andrea: And we've been waiting out here forever.

Linda: Terry, what's going on here?

Terry: I'm just trying to explain the new reality to these people. Look, I can't feed my family with money no one's gonna take.

Folks: New reality? Sounds like a scam to me.

Terry: I'm not trying to...

Linda: Hey, come on, guys, come on.

Andrea: Is it true the lake is ruined? I hear we're gonna run out of water.

Folks: Yeah, if we haven't already.

Linda: Starting a panic is not gonna help anyone. All right? So, does anybody here have batteries that we can loan to Dres? Anybody? Thank you. There's no need for alarm.

Folks: I'm sorry for making a scene.

Terry: Thank you, Sheriff.

Barbie: You really believe that? No need for alarm?

Linda: Rule number one of law enforcement: you always believe in the goodness of people you serve. That's what Duke taught me on the first day of the job.

Barbie: Yeah, and if they prove you wrong?

Linda: Rule number two... You do what you got to do.

Barbie: That's not a good idea.

Linda: Why? I mean, didn't you have a gun when you chased after Randolph?

Barbie: Yeah, but Randolph killed Freddy. These people... These people are scared.

Linda: To tell you the truth... So am I.

At Ollie’s farm.

Big Jim: Ollie! Hey! Won't take up too much of your time.

Ollie: All the time in the world for you, Big Jim.

Big Jim: We got a water problem.

Ollie: That concerns me, uh... How?

Big Jim: You got a well, and the people of Chester's Mill could really use your help.

Ollie: What's in it for me?

Big Jim: How about a sense of civic pride?

Ollie: That's typical. You always take me for granted, Jim. All us farmers. Till now.

Big Jim: You still sore the town council took Kip Lester's side on that fence dispute?

Ollie: That so-called "fence dispute" lost me seven acres of my farm.

Big Jim: That was 15 years ago, Ollie.

Ollie: Well, that's a drop in the bucket compared to how long you and me go back. I figured I could've counted on you.

Big Jim: You know the law tied my hands on that.

Ollie: Like that's stopped you before now.

Big Jim: Damn it, be reasonable, Ollie.

Ollie: That's exactly what I'm being. You want my water, you'll have to pay for it.

Big Jim: Today at the dome, you were talking about running low on propane. You know, the propane it takes to run your irrigation system and light your house.

Ollie: L-Let me guess. You have some.

Big Jim: Plenty.

Ollie: Why am I not surprised Big Jim Rennie just happens to have what Chester's Mill needs in its moment of crisis?

Big Jim: It's nothing sinister, Ollie. Town keeps a reserve in case of emergency.

Ollie: You get me propane, town gets its water.

Junior is looking for Angie. She sees him in his car. She runs away.

In the town, people start to become nervous.

Barbie: Just in time.

Linda: Things getting out of control?

Carter: Not yet, but the mood's pretty ugly.

Linda: Barbie, get inside and keep peace at the register. Carter, slow the flow of people going inside. Junior! Where have you been all morning?

Junior: Sorry, Linda, I got a situation I need to take care of. I'm looking for someone.

Linda: Well, I need you to do your job. You can let more people in your store. Come on!

In the store.

Man: Ladies and gentlemen, due to demand, we are now limiting each customer's purchase to a total of two liters of water.

Linda: Work the aisles. Just keep smiling, and... Stay alert.

Junior: Waylon, Clint, put it back.

Waylon: Isn't this cute; little Big Jim playing cop.

Junior: Drop those and step back.

Waylon: Or what? You gonna teach us a lesson?

Junior: If I have to.

Barbie: Hey, uh, come on. Are you serious?

Ida: Hey! I was here first!

Woman: Ida... My son is sick; I need this!

Ida: I don't care!

Linda: Hey, hey, come on, ladies. Hey, knock it off. Knock it off.

At the hospital.

Norrie: Joe, what am I going to do? I can't just let my mom die. Not like this.

Joe: Tell me how to help. I'll do anything. Wh-Where are you going?

Norrie: The nurse said that there's a bunch of other diabetics in town. Their files have to be in here somewhere.

Joe: Okay, you think people are just gonna give you their insulin if you ask?

Norrie: Who said I was gonna ask?

Joe: N-Norrie...

Norrie: If you don't like it, don't come.

On the road.

Julia: Are we getting closer to the signal?

Dodee: No.

Julia: What?

Dodee: Our source all of a sudden, it's moving.

Julia: What kind of a power source moves?

Dodee: I'm not sure.

Julia: All right, well... Let's see if we can hone in on it.

Angie runs to the store, she calls Linda then runs away when she sees Junior. She comes in the Sweetbriar.

Rose: Angie! Where have you been?

Angie: Rose!

Rose: Are you okay?

Angie: Junior, he...

Rose: What? Junior what?

Angie: The day that the dome came down, Junior locked me in his fallout shelter.

Rose: What?!

Angie: I tried to escape, but I couldn't. And then Big Jim found me.

Rose: And he let you out.

Angie: No. He locked me in again.

Rose: Big Jim did?

Angie: And the only reason he let me out this morning is because... He thought this missile was gonna kill us all.

Rose: I can't believe Big Jim would do something like that.

Angie: Rose, I'm not lying. When he finally let me out, I... I ran. I ran and I ran to my parents' house. I couldn't find Joe.

Rose: Oh...

Angie: I couldn't find my brother!

Rose: Oh. Your brother is safe. And so are you.

Angie: But Junior's a cop now. And his dad's a councilman. Who's gonna believe my word against theirs?

Rose: I do. I do. Don't you worry, honey, 'cause we'll make sure that everybody else does, too.

Before house.

Joe: Are you sure a diabetic lives here?

Norrie: Yeah. Name's on the medical files I pulled. Ray Garcia. 341 Cupidas Drive.

Joe: Yeah, well, no one's home. Can we come back later?

Norrie: Joe, we don't want them to be home. Plus, maybe they got caught outside the dome.

Joe: Wait, wait, Norrie, we-we can't just...

Norrie breaks a window to enter in the house.

Ray Garcia: What are you kids doing?

Norrie: My mom needs insulin.

Ray Garcia: So you figured you'd steal mine?

Norrie: She's... She's gonna die.

Ray Garcia: Just like the rest of us. I took my last dose yesterday. Now, go on. Get out of here before I blow your damn heads off.

Near the store.

Man: They're gonna run out of food!

Carter: Let's go! Back up! Move!

Man: Can't wait any longer! Let's go!

People enters in the store. Barbie tries to stop them.

Barbie: No, no, no, no! Hey, hey, hey, come on, stop!

Man: Hey!

Linda: Stop! Let her go!

Woman: No! Get your hands off!

Barbie: Hey! Get your hands off that woman!

Man: Go to hell!

Man hits Barbie. He follows him.

Barbie: Move it! Move it!

Barbie catches the man in a street and bits him. Lind arrives with Carter.

Linda: Barbie! Barbie... Get ahold of yourself. Can I count on you?

Barbie: It won't happen again.

Linda: All right, this thing is starting to spread. We need to do something, and fast. Carter, come with me.

At the Sweetbriar, Waylon and Clint break a window and enter.

Rose: What the hell do you think you're doing?

Waylon: We know that you still got meat in that freezer of yours.

Rose: Yeah. And it doesn't belong to either of you.

You don't get it, Rose.

Waylon: We're stuck in here with no water. Food's running out. A bomb couldn't even crack that damn thing.

Clint: So we're just gonna take what we want.

Rose: Right after you kiss my ass!

Clint hits Rose.

Angie: Rose! Rose! Rose! You bastard!

Linda comes back in the town center.

Junior: Where have you been?

Linda: At the station. I remembered Duke telling me about some riot gear the Feds sent us after 9/11.

Junior: This is it?

Barbie: This stuff's... It's ten years old it loses effectiveness.

Linda: Get ready to clear the crowd.

Man: Move out of the way!

Man :Look out!

Man: Run!

Barbie: The tear gas isn't working. It's not stopping them.

On the road.

Dodee: Slow down, slow down. Damn it!

Julia: Now what?

Dodee: I lost the signal.

Julia: How?

Dodee: I don't know. Just-just give me a second. Wait, wait, wait, it's back. Hurry, hurry, go.

Julia: Okay.

Dodee: We're close.

Julia: All right.

Norrie and Joe enters into another house.

Norrie: Door's unlocked it's not like we're breaking in.

Joe: Now say it like you mean it.

Norrie finds insulin.

Joe: Nore?

Boy: What are you doing here?

Norrie: We were just... Um... Where are your parents?

Boy: Mom went to the store. Dad can't get back home with that dome thing outside.

Norrie: We're not gonna hurt you.

Boy: I'm not scared. Mom says I'm not a little boy anymore. I even do my own shots now.

Norrie: You have diabetes?

Boy: Yeah, but it's not a big deal.

Norrie: Take these back to the fridge. Wait.

Mother: What the hell are you doing here? Get out!

Norrie: I'm sorry.

In the street.

Norrie: That was a stupid idea. You were right.

Joe: Let's just go back to your mom's.

Julia: Hey, Joe! What are you guys doing here?

Norrie: Uh... We were just... Out on a walk.

Joe: What are you guys doing?

Julia: Wild goose hunt.

Dodee: Not anymore. The signal's coming from right here.

Julia: From this house?

Dodee: I think it's coming from them.

At Ollie’s farm.

Ollie: What's this?

Big Jim: It's my end of the deal. Got what you want, Ollie. So be prepared for town folk to start coming over, getting their water.

Ollie: Well, it's a good start, anyway. Need another delivery about a week from now.

Big Jim: You know, I could always seize that well, you backwoods son of a bitch.

Ollie: And I'm sure you'd find some bylaw or loophole to justify doing it. I mean, that's always been the Big Jim way, hasn't it? But not anymore.

Big Jim: What's that supposed to mean?

Ollie: It means I don't give a rat's ass what piece of official paper you pull out. You step foot on my land except to bring me more propane, you'll get a bullet between the eyes. I always could shoot better than you.

Big Jim: Be careful, Ollie. Times like this, you don't want to stand alone.

Ollie: Cross me. We'll see who stands where.

At the Sweetbriar.

Clint: Yeah, Junior's girl really put up a fight.

Waylon: She can't now. Go watch the door, Clint. Angie McAlister. I don't think you're gonna mind.

In the street.

Joe: Wait, this is our fault?

Norrie: So you think we're what's jamming all the frequencies in town?

Dodee: All we know is, whatever this signal thing is, it started today and it led us straight to you guys.

Norrie: Yeah, but why today? I mean, it's not like we did anything.

Julia: I know it doesn't make any sense.

Joe: It sort of does. We have to tell someone.

Norrie: Tell us what?

Joe: The day the dome came down... We both started having seizures.

Norrie: All the people who've seen us seize... Have said that we said something.

Joe: The exact same thing.

Dodee: Okay, I'm officially freaked out.

Joe: H-Here.

Joe and Norrie: The pink stars are falling in lines. The pink stars are falling. The pink stars are falling. The pink stars are falling in lines. The pink stars are falling. The pink stars are falling. The pink stars are fall...

People a stealing and fighting near the stores.

Barbie: Hey! Break it up!

Clint: Sorry, man, diner's closed.

Barbie: When did Rose make you the doorman?

Clint: Rose?

Barbie: Yeah.

Clint: Waylon! Get out of there!

Barbie enters.

Barbie: Hey!

He rescues Angie.

Linda: What happened?

Barbie: Rose is dead.

Linda: Rose? Oh, my God.

Barbie: I need your keys. I got to get her to the clinic.

Linda: Damn it. Someone slashed the tires. It's time for rule number two. Stop. Stop!

Big Jim: It can rain! It can rain inside the dome! All right! Don't just stand there, folks, grab a bucket, grab a trash can! We need to save every drop we can! Now, come on!

Barbie: Hey, I got to get her to the clinic. Can you take her?

Big Jim: Of course! Is that Angie McAlister? What happened?

Barbie: Looters. They broke in to the diner, they knocked her out. And Rose...

Big Jim: What about Rose?

Linda: She's dead.

Big Jim: These two guys. One kept calling the other one... Waylon?

Linda: Sounds like the Dundee brothers.

Big Jim: Find them.

Near the Dome.

Joe: Dome's still here.

Norrie: Outside it's totally dry.

Julia: How is it only raining in here?

Dodee: The dome must have its own microclimate. The water from the lake evaporates, but the dome traps it inside. But the beautiful thing about the evaporation process is it filters the water so you can drink it.

Joe: Guess we're not gonna run out of water after all.

Norrie: Yeah, great. So now we can spend the rest of our lives inside this damn thing. Whoa!

Dodee: Radio's working again. Whatever was jamming the airwaves is gone.

Julia: That's because Joe and Norrie touched the dome together.

Norrie: What the hell does that mean?

Joe: Don't look at me.

Norrie: You know what, I don't have time for this. I've got to get to my mom.

Julia: I'll drive you.

Norrie: No. The clinic's not far. I'll walk. You come with.

In Julia’s car.

Julia: They're connected to it. It's like the dome is... Using them.

Dodee: Okay. How?

Julia: I don't know yet. We could have died today in that missile strike. And instead, the dome ended up protecting us. And just when we need water... It rains. I mean, this can't just be a coincidence.

Dodee: Okay, so what, now the dome's helping us?

Julia: Maybe. Maybe it's trying to reassure us.

Dodee: First it traps us... Now it's trying to reassure us. No. No, there's nothing warm and fuzzy about this, Julia. And we need to tell someone about them. Big Jim's gonna know what to do.

Julia: Do you have any idea what will happen if word gets out about those kids? The whole town will be after them. Until we know what this is, we can't tell anyone.

Dodee: Fine. For now.

People are saving the water.

At the hospital.

Carolyn: I don't know how you guys came up with this... But I'm glad you did.

Norrie: When she needs her next dose?

Carolyn: Let's just be happy she's better for now.

Norrie: Okay.

In the street.

Julia: Barbie. I've been looking for you. You okay?

Barbie: Yeah. You okay?

Julia: Yeah. It's, uh... It's been a hell of a crazy day.

Barbie: Yeah, I guess you could say everybody went a little crazy today.

Julia: We're gonna be okay.

They kiss.

At Big Jim’s home. Angie wakes up.

Angie: Hello?

Big Jim: I'd take it easy if I were you.

Angie: What... What is going on?

Big Jim: Barbie found you knocked out in the diner.

Angie: Rose... She needs help.

Big Jim: I'm, uh, I'm afraid it's too late. She was a good friend to me.

Angie: What... What am I doing here? You can't lock me up again.

Big Jim: No, no, the front door's open; you can leave anytime you like. Though I was hoping... That you and I could... Come to an arrangement.

Angie: Junior kidnapped me. No amount of money can pay for that.

Big Jim: You'll get no argument from me. You know, deep down... I think I always knew something was off... With my son. Ever since his mom died. I guess I just... Couldn't admit it to myself. So I'm not talking about giving you money. I'm offering you my word.

Angie: Your word?

Big Jim: Junior Rennie will never touch you again; I'll make sure of it. And, uh, well, I mean, if... If you need money... Or... What counts as money in town these days you know, propane, food, water, a gun well, you'll have it. If you will just try to put this terrible event behind you... I'll get you anything your little heart desires.

Angie: What about Joe? I need to know that my brother will be taken care of, too.

Big Jim: Done. We can be friends. And, uh... Trust me, times like these, it's good to have a friend like...

Angie: Big Jim Rennie… I don't know. I have to think about it.

Junior: Dad. Angie. What's going on here?

Kikavu ?

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