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#105 : M.O.A.B

Résumé: Les habitants de Chester's Mill reçoivent la visite inattendue de leurs proches restés en dehors du dôme. Pendant ce temps, la communauté doit faire face à une menace venant de l'extérieur.


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Photo de l'épisode #1.05

Photo de l'épisode #1.05

Photo de l'épisode #1.05

Photo de l'épisode #1.05

Photo de l'épisode #1.05

Photo de l'épisode #1.05

Photo de l'épisode #1.05

Photo de l'épisode #1.05

Photo de l'épisode #1.05

Photo de l'épisode #1.05

Photo de l'épisode #1.05

Photo de l'épisode #1.05

Photo de l'épisode #1.05

Photo de l'épisode #1.05

Photo de l'épisode #1.05

Photo de l'épisode #1.05

Photo de l'épisode #1.05

Photo de l'épisode #1.05

Photo de l'épisode #1.05

Photo de l'épisode #1.05

Photo de l'épisode #1.05

Photo de l'épisode #1.05

Photo de l'épisode #1.05

Photo de l'épisode #1.05

Photo de l'épisode #1.05

Photo de l'épisode #1.05


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France (inédit)
Jeudi 07.11.2013 à 21:40
4.30m / 16.9% (Part)

Logo de la chaîne CBS

Etats-Unis (inédit)
Lundi 22.07.2013 à 22:00
11.60m / 2.8% (18-49)

Plus de détails

Scénario :  Brian K.Vaughan
Réalisation : Jack Bender

Guest Stars :

  • Samantha Mathis: Alice Calvert
  • R.Keith Harris: Peter Shumway
  • Celia Weston: Mrs Moore
  • Ned Bellamy: Coggins
  • Andrew Vogel: Carter
  • Josh Carter: Rusty
  • Rasheem Shabazz: Soldat
  • Dale Raoul: Andrea
  • Chip Lane: Père de Joe
  • Julie Kendall: Mère de Joe

Joe et Norrie découvrent une nouvelle particularité du dôme : il attire les papillons. Joe pense que le dôme perturbe le champ magnétique terrestre et provoque cette migration. Norrie Joe et Barbie qui les a rejoints, découvrent que les militaires sont de retour et que des cars remplis de civils arrivent.

C'est le jour des visiteurs : tous les proches des habitants de Chester Mill ont droit de venir voir leurs proches.

Linda retrouve son fiancé Rusty et finit par lui apprendre le décès de son frère, Freddy.

Norrie aperçoit un homme qui l'attend avec des photos d'elle et de sa mère. Elle n'est donc pas issue d'un don de sperme anonyme comme le prétendaient ses mères.

Julia a toujours espoir de revoir Peter. Elle voit sa belle-sœur dans le groupe de visiteur. Celle-ci lui fait lire une lettre dans laquelle elle apprend que son mari l’a quittée. Ecœurée, elle confie à Barbie que Peter aurait pu la lui apporter lui-même.

Dodee retrouve sa mère avec qui elle communique grâce à la langue des signes.

Barbie voit Dodee et sa mère et lui demande de l'aider à communiquer avec les militaires. Il présente un insigne de sa compagnie "Jackrabbits" à un des jeunes militaires qui s’approche du dôme. Barbie et Dodee parviennent à découvrir que les militaires prévoient d'envoyer à 13h15 le plus gros missile de leur artillerie. Le jour des visiteurs était en réalité le jour des adieux.

La nouvelle se répand et Big Jim, Julia, Linda et Barbie décident de regrouper tous les habitants de Chesters Mills dans les tunnels de l’ancienne usine de ciment, même si Barbie sait que leur survie n’est pas du tout assurée.

Dans les tunnels Barbie avoue avoir usurpé son statut de héros avec sa compagnie Jackrabbits, ainsi en Irak, au cours d'une opération de sauvetage, sa compagnie a accidentellement tué les membres d'une autre compagnie. Barbie explique à Julia qu'il mérite de mourir sous un tir ami.

Julia offre un verre de vin à Barbie qui s’avère être mauvais. Elle lui explique qu’il s’agit d’un cadeau de son ancien patron à Chicago. Elle souligne qu’il ne l’aimait pas.

Big Jim, qui s'était laissé du temps pour libérer Angie, décide de couper ses chaînes : elle pourra ainsi, mourir en femme libre.

Big Jim avoue à son fils qu'il sait tout à propos de la séquestration d’Angie. Junior décide alors de partir à sa recherche. Il la retrouve chez elle et l'informe que leur fin est proche, que les militaires vont frapper le dôme avec un missile. Dans un ultime élan de compassion, elle l'embrasse sur le front et l'enlace.

Dans les tunnels, Carolyn et Alice paniquent, Norrie a disparu. Julia prend Barbie à part et lui explique qu’elle connaît un moyen de sortir.

Linda a décidé d’attendre l’impact près du lac au centre de secourisme.

Phil et Dodee dansent dans les tunnels.

Tous les habitants tentent de se rassurer en attendant la fin.

Joe est à la recherche de sa sœur avec Norrie. Ils ne parviennent pas à la retrouver et s’assoient sur ne balancelle et s'embrassent alors que le missile explose sur le dôme.

Norrie et Joe découvrent que le dôme a résisté à l’attaque et qu’ils sont toujours en vie.

Julia et Barbie se garent près de la barrière. Le missile a détruit tout l'environnement autour du dôme. Julia prend la main de Barbie.

Le Révérend Lester Coggins retrouve Big Jim et affiche un sourire plus que satisfait. Il clame que l'œuvre de Dieu est toujours en marche, il le menace de révéler toute la vérité aux habitants sur le trafic de drogue. Big Jim plaque la tête du Révérend sur la paroi de la barrière invisible et provoque l'explosion de son sonotone. Le Révérend s'écroule, mort.

At Joe’s farm.

Joe: Norrie? Norrie, where are you?

Norrie: Right behind you, genius. I didn't realize that crashing with a farm kid meant that I had to get up at the ass-crack of dawn.

Joe: Come on, it's about the dome.

Norrie: Really? Is it gone? Are we finally free?

Joe: You'll see. I've been thinking about our seizures. About what we said.

Norrie: "The pink stars are falling." You figured out what that means?

Joe: Not yet, but if the dome is really sending out messages, then we're like human receivers. We can catch a few of the transmissions on our own, but when we get too close to each other... Feedback.

Norrie: Joe, why would the dome only talk to us?

Joe: I don't know. But when I came out here to find out, I saw this.

There are butterflies on the Dome.

Joe: Yeah, right? Monarch butterflies aren't even in season. They shouldn't be anywhere near Chester's Mill this time of year.

Norrie: Maybe the dome sent them. Maybe it's trying to tell us that the dome's just a cocoon, and when it finally goes away, we'll all get to be something new.

Joe: You realize most caterpillars are actually eaten before they turn into butterflies?

Big Jim joins Angie in his nuclear fallout shelter.

Angie: Mr. Rennie. Oh, thank God. What took you so long?

Big Jim: Feeling better there, darling?

Angie: Better? I've been down here all night. Why haven't you gotten the police yet? Mr. Rennie, you're gonna get me out of here, right?

Big Jim: Of course. Soon as you tell me exactly what it is you're doing down here.

Angie: He's been keeping me prisoner!

Big Jim: Who?

Angie: Your son.

Big Jim: Junior? No. Why would... Why would...? Why would he do something like that?

Angie: Because he's insane. Please... You got to get me out of here before he comes back. Big Jim? Please, please!

Big Jim: I just, uh, I just need to think on this a little bit.

Angie: No, no, no! You can't leave me down here! You can't... You... No, wait! Wait! Help! Please! No! Help! Help! Help! No!

Big Jim gets out from the his nuclear fallout shelter. Mr Coggins arrives.

Big Jim: Damn it, Coggins, I thought we were done. What are you doing here?

Coggins: Jim. I received a very troubling message. No! I have to tell you.

Big Jim: What message?

Coggins: From the Lord Almighty. He whispered one word to me. Moab.

Big Jim: Moab?

Coggins: Moab.

Big Jim: You better check the batteries in your hearing aid, Coggins, 'cause that's not even a word.

Coggins: Jim! Moab was a place. A very wicked place. Much like Chester's Mill.

Big Jim: I'm warning you, Reverend. Stay away from me.

Coggins: Jim.

Big Jim enters in his house.

Coggins: Ji...

Coggins sets up the sound of his hearing aid.

Voice: Moab. Moab. Moab... Moab. Moab.

Barbie who was sleeping in his car, is awaken by Joe and Norrie’s voices.

Joe: Over here.

Norrie: Look at them all. Oh, my God, there's more. Where did they all come from? So beautiful.

Barbie gets out of his car.

Joe: Barbie?

Barbie: What is this?

Norrie: Isn't it amazing?

Barbie puts his hand on the Dome and the butterflies fly away.

Barbie: Huh. These guys are suddenly paying attention to us?

Buses arrives.

Norrie: Look. They're bussing in more soldiers?

Barbie: No, civilians.

Joe: Hey, that's Frank!

Norrie: Who?

Joe: My cousin. He went away to college before the dome came down.

Barbie: Okay, it's been over a week since this thing came down. Military hasn't let anybody near here. So why bus the families in now?

Norrie: Haven't you ever been to camp? They're finally giving us our own visitors' day.

At the radio station.

Julia: We have official confirmation from military representatives that at 10:00 a.m. this morning, the people of Chester's Mill will be permitted to visit with their loved ones on the outside. The location for this is where the dome intersects with the Sixth Street bridge. For further updates, stay tuned to WYBS.

Big Jim is watching a picture when Junior enters.

Big Jim: We need to talk.

Junior: No, I know. You heard the news? The Feds are bussing in people who got caught outside the dome.

Big Jim: What?

Junior: Yeah, they just started coming in this morning. The press, too.

Big Jim: Well, you're gonna need help with crowd control.

Junior: Linda's already talking about bringing in some more deputies.

Big Jim: Time for talk is over. I'm authorizing you to recruit auxiliary officers.

Junior: Dad, I...

Big Jim: How about Carter? The fullback from your year?

Junior: I should get some supplies first from... The old shelter.

Big Jim: When I tell you to do something, Junior, what do you do?

Junior: Dad, I know...

Big Jim: Now!

Joe and Norrie are going to Sixth Street bridge.

Joe: Shouldn't we get your moms?

Norrie: Why? It's not like any of their phony L.A. friends are gonna make the trip.

Joe: Yeah, but you never made it to where you were headed. Somebody out there's probably worried.

Norrie: Who cares? I'm just excited to meet your folks. I can't wait to tell them you're shacking up with an underage girl and two lesbians.

Linda arrives.

Linda: Barbie? I can use your help. We need to keep people a safe distance from this thing. We don't want people's cameras or cell phones blowing up like Duke's pacemaker. String this up. Until we find out what the hell the dome is, I don't want anyone on our side touching it, no matter what.

Barbie: You got it.

Barbie strings up the bridge. Linda sees Rusty and runs toward him.

Linda: Rusty.

At the radio station.

Phil: Is it true? They're really letting us see our families?

Julia: Yeah.

Phil: Really?

Julia: Hey, did Dodee pick up any chatter about this?

Phil: Uh, no. I've been listening to her E.T.-phone-home thing, but the military broadcasts dropped out last night so all we've been getting are random numbers and crap.

Voice: Zone one is painted. Green for 1315. Zone one is painted. Green for 1315.

Julia: What does that mean?

Phil: Who cares? Getting visitors is the first good news we've had... Since ever.

Voice: ...global audience awaits any hint of what's happened inside...

Julia: Do you think he'll show up today? Peter?

Phil: Julia, I...

Julia: Phil. It's all right. Barbie told me what you guys were into. I know my husband left me because he has a gambling problem. But that was before all this. He's got to show his face today, doesn't he?

Voice: This is Jeff Glor at Chester's Mill. It's been six days…

Phi: Yeah, I th...

Voice: Since the invisible barrier arrived over Chester's Mill.

Phil: That doesn't sound like another army guy.

Outside the Dome.

Journalist: Ever since the military evacuated surrounding towns and established a ten-mile perimeter around what's being called "The Dome," the world has been waiting for news from inside. Last night, the government relented, allowing select members of the press to document these emotional reunions.

Soldier: Ladies and gentlemen, as you approach the dome, make sure if you have a tablet in your hand that you do not touch the dome. I repeat : do not touch the dome.

Rusty discusses with Linda.

Rusty: And look, we're famous. They want to make a reality show out of us. I-I know...

In the dome, at the bridge.

Norrie: Who are you looking for?

Joe: I'm looking for Angie.

Norrie: You said your sister's a flake.

Joe: Yeah, she is, but... She'd definitely come to this.

Norrie: The hell?

Joe: Nore?

A man explains to Norrie that he’s her father.

Norrie: No. My mom said I came from an anonymous donor.

The man shows her pictures.

Joe: That's your mom.


Coggins: Sinners! Sinners! Over and over, the Lord has spoken one word in my ear: Moab. Why? Because we are Moab. Moab!

Big Jim: Okay, thank you, Reverend. Thank you for those inspiring words. Enjoy your loved ones. So help me God, if you ruin this day for these people, I'm gonna...

Coggins: What, beat me to a pulp? In front of the congregation? I'm not scared of you anymore, Jim Rennie. All I fear is the wrath of my Lord. And the only way we're gonna be spared His fury is if we confess our sins.

Big Jim: Sins.

Coggins: Hmm.

Big Jim: We saved Chester's Mill.

Coggins: We helped drug dealers make their poison.

Big Jim: We never let 'em sell it here. It's not my fault you dipped into their supply.

Coggins: All you ever think about is fattening your own coffers.

Big Jim: Damn it, Lester, you listen...

Coggins: No, you listen to me! You may have fooled some of these people into thinking you're some kind of leader. But nobody's going to follow you anywhere, ever, when they hear just exactly who you are.

Big Jim: What do you want, Reverend?

Coggins: For you admit your sins before God, and every man and woman in Chester's Mill. You have one day... One day to come clean... Or I do it for you.

Journalist: It's the final hour of the government's Visitors' Day, as the last of...


Phil sees his sister.

Phil: Hey. That's my sister.


Julia: Linda.

Linda: Hey. Any sign of your husband?

Julia: Not yet. What about you? Did you find your fiancé?

Linda: Yeah.

Julia: Everything all right?

Linda: I just... Couldn't bring myself to tell him.

Julia: About what?

Linda: His brother.

Julia: Linda, Freddy's death was an accident.

Linda: He got shot on my watch. It's my responsibility to tell Rusty. I just... I just don't know how.

Julia: Yeah... You do.


Carolyn and Alice arrive.

Carolyn: Oh. Norrie? Norrie. Where the hell have you been?

Alice: Michael?

Norrie: So it's true, this guy's my dad?

Carolyn: Norrie, it's complicated.

Norrie: No. You told me the records were sealed. That we couldn't even look for him. And all these years, you've been lying to me.

Alice: How dare you? You have never been anything to this girl! But the second that cameras show up, you decide you suddenly have a daughter?

Carolyn: Alice... Take it easy.

Norrie: I hate you. I hate you all so much.

Alice: Norrie!

Carolyn: Let's...


Julia: Barbie... Have you seen him? Peter.

Barbie: I know that nothing that I'm gonna say is gonna make up for the fact that I... That I should have told you the truth sooner.

Julia: You're right. But I don't blame you for my husband's bad decisions. And if you really want to make it up to me, just keep an eye out for him.

Julia sees her sister in law.

Julia: Excuse me. Sorry. Mary.

Mary shows Julia a letter.


Barbie: Julia, what's the matter?

Julia: That was my sister-in-law.

Barbie: What did she say?

Julia: She showed me a letter that she got from my husband. It said, "I know this is confusing, "but all I can say is sorry. Tell Julia she deserves better". Guy didn't even have the balls to send his own Dear John letter.


Dodee discusses with her mother.


Andrea: It was about saying good-bye. Oh, my God, I can't believe it. Oh... Oh, I.... I...

Barbie: Ma'am. They don't want anyone touching this thing, okay?

Andrea: That's my son. I haven't spoken to him in almost ten years, but here he is.

Barbie: I'm sure. Yeah.

Andrea: This thing brought him back to me.

Barbie: No, I-I... I understand.

Junior: Hey! Leave her be.

Barbie: You gotta be kidding me. Somebody made you a cop?

Junior: We'll take it from here.


Linda: It's about your brother. No. I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry.

Joe follows Norrie into the woods.

Joe: Norrie, wait!

Norrie: I don't want to talk about it.

Joe: Well, what did your dad say?

Norrie: He's not my dad! He's just some creep who wants to be on TV. Look, I'm sorry. I just always imagined that maybe I'd get to meet a part of my past, and... Never really pictured it going quite like that.

Ben comes.

Ben: Yo, McAlister!

Joe: Ben, were you at Visitors' Day?

Ben: Yeah, but... Pretty much everyone I actually like is stuck in here with us, so... I just talked to random strangers.

Norrie: About what?

Ben: Did you hear China threatened to attack us after the dome showed up?

Joe: Seriously?

Ben: Yeah, this guy said Beijing thought we were testing some kind of illegal superweapon, so the president had to talk 'em off the ledge, tell them we didn't even build it.

Norrie: Great. Sounds like the grown-ups have it all under control.

Dodee says goodbye to her mother.

Soldier: Ma'am, it's time to go.


Barbie: Excuse me. Can you read lips as well as you do sign language?

Dodee: Maybe. What's in it for me?

Barbie: Answers.

Barbie leads Dodee to the dome. He shows a soldier a medal. The Soldier comes.

Dodee: You know this guy?

Barbie: No, but my old unit is kind of infamous. Do me a favour. Just tell me what this guy's saying. It's an honour to meet one of the Jackrabbits, sir. How are things in there?

Barbie: Uh, forget about us. What's... Happening... Out... There?

Dodee: Something big is going down. They told us to pull out after this. All of us.

Jones: No clue. But they said once we leave...

Dodee: But they said once we leave... Don't plan on coming back.

Jones: Sorry, sir. We're on the move…

Dodee: Last night. After the butterflies showed up. Butterflies?

Jones leaves.

Barbie: Yeah, there was a whole swarm of 'em. It covered part of the dome.

Dodee: Huh.

Barbie: What?

Dodee: A lot of insects use magnetic fields to navigate. If the dome is altering them, then...

Barbie: There is no way in hell the government would stand for that. They're not about to let this thing mess with the outside world.

Dodee: Well, what does that mean?

Barbie: Moab.

Dodee: Come again?

Barbie: What your reverend was ranting about. His hearing aid must have intercepted a transmission like the ones that you're picking up at the radio station.

Dodee: But why would the army be telling Bible stories?

Barbie: Moab is not a city, it's an acronym: MOAB "Mother of All Bombs." That's what we call the largest nonnuclear missile in our arsenal.

Dodee: You think they're gonna launch that thing at the dome? Would it work?

Barbie: Yeah.

Dodee: Then why don't you look happy?

Barbie: Because it'll also kill everybody inside.

Dodee: What?!

Barbie: Dodee, Visitors' Day was not about saying hello to your families.

Julia is about to get in her car, she sees Linda.

Julia: How'd it go with Rusty?

Linda: As well as it could, I guess. He left without even saying good-bye. Still, I'm glad I told him. So thank you.

Dodee runs to Big Jim.

Dodee: Councilman Rennie! We're dead. It's coming down.

Big Jim: Whoa. Slow down, Dodee. What-what-what are you talking about? What's coming down?

Dodee: The army is gonna blow up the dome, even if that means blowing us up with it.

Linda: That can't be true.

Barbie: I just got the word from a soldier on the other side. They're gonna launch a thermobaric missile right at us.

Big Jim: Good Lord! Any idea when?

Barbie: I guess as soon as they evacuate everyone from outside the dome, but, no, I-I don't have a timetable.

Julia: I think I do. At the radio station this morning, Phil and I heard something: "Zone One is painted green for 1315."

Barbie: Yeah. "Painted" means that a target's been approved.

Dodee: "Zone One" was written on all their trucks, so it's gotta be Chester's Mill.

Linda: And 1315?

Barbie: Military time. That's 1:15 this afternoon.

Big Jim: That's less than three hours.

Dodee: So that's it? We're all just gonna die?

Linda: No, no. We get everybody to a shelter.

Barbie: Where?

Julia: The old cement factory. Some of those tunnels run pretty deep.

Linda: So, what? We just relocate the entire town? What about the sick, the elderly?

Big Jim: I'll dispatch a fleet from the car lot to help with transport. Let's just do it the best we can.

Linda: All right. Hurry.

At the Sweet Briar Rose.

Rose: I'm so sorry, sweetie. I still haven't seen Angie. Maybe she's volunteering at the clinic.

Joe: We just checked there. They haven't seen Angie since the first dome day.

Julia broadcasts a message from the radio station.

Julia: This is Julia Shumway with an emergency broadcast. I know this news might be difficult for many of you to accept, but I give you my word that it is the truth. At 1:15 today the military plans to launch a powerful missile at our town in the hopes of destroying the dome.

At Joe’s farm.

Carolyn: Did she say missile?

Alice: Listen.

Julia: Because we don't know what will happen when the dome collapses, it is imperative that we take shelter. For your safety, all residents of Chester's Mill must go to Sanders Cement Works immediately. Please do everything you can to help spread the word. This is not a drill.

Big Jim joins Angie in the old shelter.

Angie: Mr. Rennie...

He frees Angie.

Angie: Oh!

Big Jim: I can't apologize enough for what Junior did to you. He was a good boy. I don't know where I lost him. Anyway, um, you can go now.

Angie: Why are you doing this?

Big Jim: Well, if we're all gonna die today... You might as well die a free woman.

Angie runs away.

Julia pick up a bottle of wine at her home.

At the cement factory.

Julia: We're working on the lights, sweetheart, okay? So it won't be dark for too much longer. And we'll get you a cot as soon as we can. You almost finished batting down the hatches?

Barbie: Yeah. For what it's worth. Julia, when that missile breaks through here...

Julia: I know. Hey. Dodee told me how you got the story. Said the soldier started talking when you showed him some sort of a coin? I-I'm not asking on the record. Just you and me.

Barbie: That guy that we met, he probably only talked to us 'cause he thinks that I'm... Some kind of hero.

Julia: You're not?

Barbie: One of my deployments in Iraq, um... My unit helped rescue a captured soldier from insurgents after her company had been killed by small arms fire.

Julia: God.

Barbie: The insurgents captured that soldier… They didn't kill her company... We did. We were on patrol. All of a sudden, someone starts shooting at us, and it's not until the dust clears we realize... We'd just shot up our own side. Killed every soldier except the one that the enemy hauled off. Maybe this is how I deserve to go. More friendly fire.

Junior goes to the shelter then he’s interrupted by his father.

Big Jim: Junior!

Junior: Dad... What are you doing here?

Big Jim: You first.

Junior: I-I-I heard about the missile. I figured maybe we go take cover in the old bomb shelter.

Big Jim: I know, Junior.

Junior: What are you talking about?

Big Jim: About Angie… I let her go.

Junior: You did what?

Big Jim: What the hell were you thinking? I mean... Junior, that doesn't matter anymore, Junior. Junior, we just need to get down to that factory. The town needs us, Junior. Junior! Junior!

Junior drives away.

At the radio station.

Dodee: Phil, it is way past go-time! Hurry it up!

Phil: Hold on. I'm setting up a playlist to broadcast right after we leave. I just have to play one last song before this thing hits. This is probably the very last thing anyone's ever gonna hear, okay?

Dodee: But I thought we're gonna be safe in those tunnels.

Phil: From weapons of mass destruction?

Dodee: So-so you think this is gonna be the end?

Phil: 13 minutes, we find out.

Angie comes back to the McAlister’s house.

Angie: Hello?! Joe?! Joe? Joe?! Where the hell is everybody?! Joe!

She finds Junior in her old bedroom.

Junior: I knew you'd come here. We're not finished yet.

At the cement factory.

Linda: Just find a place somewhere over there, okay?

Big Jim: Hey. How's everything out there?

Linda: Under control. I think I got the last of the holdouts. Where's Junior?

Big Jim: Just, uh... Tying up a few loose ends.

Linda: Make sure your new guys keep the peace in here.

Big Jim: Where are you going?

Linda: Tying up a few loose ends.


Barbie: Phil. Beethoven?

Phil: Keeps the folks mellow.

Barbie: Got something for you.

Phil: What are you doing?

Barbie: It's your watch.

Phil: It's my grandfather's watch.

Barbie: Yeah, I figured it probably had some sentimental value.

Phil: I bet on the Browns, Barbie. That's losing, fare and square.

Barbie: Well, maybe I'm getting out of that line of work. Good luck, Phil.

In Angie’s bedroom.

Junior: I got you this in the fourth grade, remember? When my parents took me to New York?

Angie: Junior... What's happening?

Junior turns on the radio.

Julia: This is a prerecorded emergency broadcast. At 1:15 p.m. today, the military plans to launch a powerful missile at our town, in the hopes of destroying the dome.

Angie: What does that mean?

Junior: We're all gonna die.

Angie: Junior, you don't...

Junior: Yes, I do. From the very beginning. I'm so sorry, Ange. All I wanted to do was to help you to get better.

Angie: Oh...

At the cement factory.

Julia: Last call? An editor gave me this bottle after my first byline. Been looking for a good excuse to drink it ever since.

Barbie: It worth the wait?

Julia: It's horrible. My bosses always hate me. You know, I still miss Chicago, but... Peter always said I'd grow to love this place. Where do you think he is now? Some flophouse in Vegas?

Barbie: Oh, Julia...

Julia: Well, I made my peace with it. Besides, maybe he was right. You know, I didn't understand this place before the dome came down. But now, after everything we've been through... I'm glad I got to be a part of it.

Barbie: Julia, there's something that you need to hear.

Julia: You don't have to say anything.

Barbie: No, no, you don't understand...


Alice: Help! Please! We need help!

Carolyn: Has anyone seen our daughter?

Alice: Our daughter, Norrie. She's tall, she's got red hair. Has anyone seen her?

Julia: Alice?

Alice: Yes.

Julia: I saw your daughter at Visitors' Day.

Alice: So did we, but then she took off.

Carolyn: And we-we haven't seen her, or her friend Joe, since.

Alice: I-I'm going back out there.

Carter: No way, lady.

Carolyn: Alice...

Carter: That dome's about to come crashing down on all our heads.

Alice: Our girl is still out there.

Carter: I'm sorry, you're not going to be able to leave right now.

Carolyn: No, no, no...


Barbie: Whoa, whoa. Where... Where you going?

Julia: When I followed Junior down here a few days ago, we found another way out. We gotta find those kids.

Joe and Norrie are running in the street.

Joe: Angie!

Norrie: Angie!

Joe: Angie!

Norrie: Angie!

Joe: Ange! You should go back to the shelter.

Norrie: No, I want to stay with you.

Joe: You should be with your moms. They're your family.

Norrie: But you're my friend.

Joe: All right. Come on.

At the cement factory.

Dodee: You played this?

Phil: Skeeter Davis. She is a legend.

Dodee invite Phil to dance.


Linda goes to the bay watch.


Angie and Junior are waiting for the impact in Angie’s room.

At the cement factory.

Dodee: Can I say something, Phil?

Phil: Anything in the whole world.

Dodee: I hate you.

Phil: Yeah?

Dodee: Mm-hmm.

Dodee: I hate you, too.


Big Jim comforts Rose.


Barbie and Julie are looking for Joe and Norrie in the town.


Joe: W-We're too late.

Norrie: What are we gonna do?

They kiss. The bomb blows up on the Dome.

At the cement factory.

Big Jim: All right, everybody, stay put and remain calm. I'm gonna get some answers.

In the park.

Norrie: How...

Joe: W-When we touched, we didn't have the seizures.

Norrie: More importantly, we didn't die.

At the bay watch.

Big Jim: Linda. Linda, come in.

Linda: What's the word, Jim?

Big Jim: I'm not sure yet, but everyone's okay.

Barbie and Julia are at the border of the Dome.

Julia: Oh, my God.

Everything outside the dome is burn. Julia takes Barbie’s hand.

Big Jim is at the Sixth Street bridge. Coggins joins him.

Coggins: He saved us.

Big Jim: What the hell are you doing here?

Coggins: Hell has got nothing to do with it. God told me to come out here. To see the moment of our salvation for myself.

Big Jim: Lester...

Coggins: The good Lord saved Chester's Mill. Because I repented. And now it's time for you to do the same. Jim, I know... You think this town belongs to you. And maybe... Maybe it used to. But today... Today's a new day. This dome has only one master. And we are all His servants.

Big Jim: You know, you're right, Reverend. Today is a new day.

Big Jim kills Coggins.

Kikavu ?

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02.02.2022 vers 22h

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30.11.2019 vers 20h

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choup37, 15.04.2024 à 10:15

Il manque 3 votes pour valider la nouvelle bannière Kaamelott... Clic clic clic

chrismaz66, 15.04.2024 à 11:46

Oui cliquez;-) et venez jouer à l'animation Kaamelott qui démarre là maintenant et ce jusqu'à la fin du mois ! Bonne chance à tous ^^

Supersympa, 16.04.2024 à 14:31

Bonjour à tous ! Nouveau survivor sur le quartier Person of Interest ayant pour thème l'équipe de Washington (saison 5) de la Machine.

choup37, Hier à 08:49

5 participants prennent part actuellement à la chasse aux gobelins sur doctor who, y aura-t-il un sixième?

chrismaz66, Hier à 11:04

Choup tu as 3 joueurs de plus que moi!! Kaamelott est en animation, 3 jeux, venez tenter le coup, c'est gratis! Bonne journée ^^

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