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#104 : Le Fléau

Résumé: Les habitants de Chester's Mill commencent à paniquer lorsqu'une épidémie de méningite frappe leur communauté, menançant leur stock déjà bien faible de médicaments. Pendant ce temps, Julia continue de chercher des réponses à la mystérieuse disparition de son mari.


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Le Fléau

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Photo de l'épisode #1.04

Photo de l'épisode #1.04

Photo de l'épisode #1.04

Photo de l'épisode #1.04

Photo de l'épisode #1.04

Photo de l'épisode #1.04

Photo de l'épisode #1.04

Photo de l'épisode #1.04

Photo de l'épisode #1.04

Photo de l'épisode #1.04

Photo de l'épisode #1.04

Photo de l'épisode #1.04

Photo de l'épisode #1.04


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France (inédit)
Jeudi 07.11.2013 à 20:50
4.50m / 16.3% (Part)

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Etats-Unis (inédit)
Lundi 15.07.2013 à 22:00
11.13m / 2.7% (18-49)

Plus de détails

Scénario :  Peter Calloway
Réalisation : Kari Skoglans

Guest Stars :

  • Samantha Mathis: Alice Calvert
  • R.Keith Harris: Peter Shumway
  • Celia Weston: Mrs Moore
  • Ned Bellamy: Coggins

Julia paraît agitée. Elle prétexte une migraine auprès de Barbie. Elle est en fait très concentrée sur une carte de Chester Mill trouvée dans les affaires de Barbie. Elle lui demande comment il peut aussi bien connaître la ville alors qu’il n’était que de passage. Il lui répond que les noms des commerces des petites villes comme Chester Mill se retiennent facilement. Agacée, elle part seule à la station de radio pour y diffuser les dernières informations.

Près du dôme, Linda tente de maîtriser les habitants en colère. Toutes les installations militaires de l’autre côté du dôme sont empaquetée et les soldats dispersés et la population a peur d’être abandonnée par le monde extérieur. Alors qu'elle sort son pistolet, Big Jim arrive et maîtrise la foule en colère. Linda, elle s'écroule soudain au sol.

Angie reçoit une visite de Junior. Il lui a apporté quelques vêtements dont une robe de bal. Angie saisit cette opportunité pour charmer Junior et lui demande de se retourner pour enfiler sa tenue. Elle s'empare des ciseaux qu'elle avait cachés et tente de poignarder Junior, mais il la maîtrise rapidement. Elle le supplie une dernière fois, mais Junior lui répond qu’elle est malade, qu’elle fait semblant et qu’elle sortira quand elle sera prête.

Julia se rend à l’endroit indiqué sur la carte de Barbie et rencontre Phil. Elle reconnaît la voiture de son mari garée à côté de la caravane de Phil. Elle lui demande comment il a eu cette voiture et il lui répond qu'il l'a acheté à de Peter. Puis, Phil, s'évanouit sur le sol.

Carolyn et Alice ont emmené Joe et Norrie passer des tests à l’hôpital. Mais il n’y a aucun médecin puisque Peter est porté disparu. Alice se charge de faire passer les tests aux enfants, mais ne détecte aucun problème.

Big Jim et Barbie amènent Linda à l’hôpital. Au même moment, Julia dépose Phil, lui aussi mal en point. De nombreuses autres personnes se sont déjà en attente de soin. Big Jim décide de faire appel à Alice car en tant que psychiatre, elle est ce qui se rapproche le plus d’un médecin. Elle diagnostique une épidémie de méningite : il faut administrer à tous les contaminés des antibiotiques.

Julia décide de révéler à Barbie qu’elle sait qu’il s’est battu avec Junior et qu’il connaît Phil. Elle exige de connaître la vérité mais elle développe les premiers symptômes de la méningite. Alice lui ordonne d’aller en salle d’examen avec les autres patients.

Linda cohabite avec sa vieille institutrice Madame Moore, elle aussi contaminée. Celle-ci refuse une dose d'antibiotiques pour la donner à Linda, car elle souhaite qu'elle survive pour le bien-être de la ville. Puis, Madame Moore décède.

Big Jim décide d’aller, avec Barbie, chercher tous les médicaments de la pharmacie. Avant de partir, il demande à Junior maintenir l’hôpital en état de quarantaine. Il lui tend un fusil et lui fait promettre que personne ne quitte l'hôpital, au risque de contaminer la ville entière.

Dans le bunker, Angie tente de grimper sur le lit et de trouver une issue. En s'accrochant au tuyau d'arrivée d'eau, elle le casse et tombe du haut du lit, inconsciente. La pièce se remplit d’eau.

A l'hôpital, Julia, malade, demande à Phil qui pourquoi Peter lui aurait vendu sa voiture. Phil, délirant, prend Julia pour Peter. "Désolé je ne pourrais pas venir à la cabane". Avant d’en savoir plus, Alice les interrompt et demande à Julia de retourner au lit. Julia demande à Junior comment elle peut sortir car elle veut suivre la piste de la cabane pour retrouver son mari, mais Junior refuse. Elle mentionne la cabane et Junior lui indique qu’il a surpris Barbie fouillant une cabane quelques jours plus tôt. Julia, vole le badge d'une infirmière pour sortir par une porte dérobée.

Big Jim et Barbie découvrent que la pharmacie a été pillée, mais Big Jim pense savoir où sont les médicaments. Ils se rendent chez le Révérend Coggins, qui brûle les remèdes au nom de Dieu et de son dessein. Il estime que si l'épidémie de méningite s'est déclarée, il est évident que Dieu souhaite la mort de certains des habitants de Chesters Mills.

Junior a du mal à maîtriser la colère des habitants confinés dans l’hôpital, qui sont déterminés à rentrer chez eux ou prévenir leur famille. Il s'empare du fusil, tire un coup de feu en l'air en guise d'avertissement, puis se ravise, moins menaçant et tel son père, grâce à ses paroles, calme la foule. Linda, de nouveau sur pied, assiste à toute la scène.

De leur côté, Joe et Norrie sont perplexes face aux résultats de leurs ECG. Ils décident de joindre leurs mains pour voir si une crise d'épilepsie se déclenche et de se filmer. Après quelques secondes, ils s'écroulent tous les deux, murmurant "les étoiles roses s'alignent". Ils se réveillent peu après et visionnent la vidéo. Une dizaine de secondes après leur crise, Joe se relève et regarde la caméra et met le doigt sur sa bouche. Norrie lui demande s'il se rappelle de quoi que se soit et Joe lui rétorque que non. Ils en déduisent que "le dôme" ne souhaite pas que cela s'ébruite.

Barbie et Big Jim ramènent les médicaments à l'hôpital pour qu'Alice puisse enfin traiter tous les patients. Barbie ne retrouve pas Julia parmi les malades et Junior finit par lui révéler qu'elle a pris direction de la cabane.

Barbie la retrouve inconsciente et la ramène à l'hôpital.

A son réveil, Julia raconte à Barbie ce qu’elle a découvert à propos de Peter : qu'il avait hypothéqué la maison et vidé leurs comptes bancaires. Barbie décide de lui révéler son histoire : après son retour de l'armée, il a été recruté par un bookmaker afin de s'assurer que les parieurs paient leurs dettes et Peter en faisait partie. Julia, bouleversée, lui demande où peut se trouver Peter. Barbie lui répond qu'il a sûrement fui. Julia, en pleurs, lui demande de quitter sa maison.

Junior reçoit les félicitations de son père Big Jim, qui est pour une fois très fier de son fils. Il l’incite à entrer dans la police. Linda, aussi impressionnée, lui parle des valeurs transmises par Duke Perkins. Pour lui, un bon policier était quelqu'un au grand cœur avant tout. Elle finit par offrir un badge à Junior.

Chez lui, Big Jim retrouve le Révérend assis sur son porche. Il lui tend un sac rempli de billets, car il veut se racheter de ses crimes. Coggins dit à Big Jim qu'il fait de graves erreurs, qu'il défie la volonté de Dieu et qu'il paiera tôt ou tard. Big Jim lui rétorque qu'il aurait pu l’emprisonner après le vol des médicaments. Le Révérend lui répond: "Tu ne peux pas me blesser sans te blesser toi-même. Dieu te bénit".

Dans le bunker, l'eau est montée. Angie attend prostrée et frigorifiée le retour de Junior. Elle se décide une dernière fois à appeler à l'aide dans les conduits de ventilation.

Chez lui, Big Jim, qui se sert un verre, entend des bruits étranges dans la tuyauterie. Intrigué, il attrape une lampe torche et décide de descendre dans l'abri antiatomique. Il découvre alors Angie.

Julia: Chester's Mill is a place like any other.
At least it used to be, until we were cut off from the rest of the world by a mysterious dome.
Invisible, indestructible, inescapable.
We're trapped.
We don't know where it came from or why it's here, but now that we're all trapped under the dome together, none of our secrets are safe.

Julia's Kitchen

Barbie: Morning.

Julia: Morning.

Barbie: Feeling okay?

Julia: Yeah, it's just a headache.
I get them sometimes when I'm stressed.

Barbie: Yeah, you took the last one.
Dee's Pharmacy is closed.
Maybe the gas station has aspirin.

Julia: You know this town pretty well for someone who's just passing through.

Barbie: Dee's is not really a hard name to remember.

Julia: Think I'll go over to the radio station.
All right, well, I'll catch a ride with you.

In front of Julia's house

Militaire:All right, everybody, orders are in.
Pack it up, we're out of here.

Ollie: Hey, you can't leave!

Linda: Back away, Ollie, back away.
This thing can really hurt you.

Ollie: Why is the military leaving? We're American citizens.
The military is supposed to protect us.

Linda: Everybody, listen! I understand that you're angry, but I'm gonna ask you to disperse.

Coggins: You weep for mercy when you've lived lives of wickedness and pride.
God does not hear you.
He is the master, and you will bend to his will.

Big Jim: Go home, this is not helping.

Coggins: "There they cry, "but none giveth answer because of the pride of evil men.
" This dome is his wish for a new Eden.

Big Jim: What the hell's going on?

Linda: Military's leaving.
It's been three days and no answers.
Folks are getting scared.

Big Jim: You think pulling a gun is gonna reassure 'em? All right, all right, I don't blame you for wanting answers.
We all want to know when this thing is coming down, but this is not helping.

Ollie: Government's left us here to rot.
You're a councilman, Rennie.
Why should we trust you?

Big Jim: Because they're out there, Ollie, and I'm in here.

Now please listen to the sheriff.
Soon as we know what's going on out there, so will you.
Go on home.You almost lost 'em.

Linda: I had it under control.
What are you gonna do-- open fire on the crowd?

Linda passed out

Jim: Linda?

Linda: Whoa, excuse me.

Barbie: Is she all right? You okay? Let's get out of here.
Let's get her to a car.

Rennie's Shelter

Junior: Brought you some comfortable clothes.
And a surprise.

Angie: Hmm.

Junior: You wore this the first time we danced.
Junior prom.
You were so beautiful.

Angie: You want me to look beautiful? I don't mind.

Junior: You're starting to act like the old Angie I knew before the dome came down.
Turn around.
Turn around.
I think you're getting better.
With trust and a little patience, I'll get her back.
Right, Ange? Ange?

Angie strikes Junior

Angie: Junior, I'm sorry.

Junior: No, you're not.

Angie: No, I'm sorry.

Junior: I should have known.
You're not better.
You're just pretending.

Angie: Junior, please let me out.
I won't tell anyone.
I will forget everything.
Please, I will forget about everything.
Just just let me out.

Junior: You can leave whenever you're ready.
But not before.

In a land, filled with caravans

Men: Can I help you?

Julia: Uh, I'm Julia Shumway, I'm the editor of the weekly

Men: Oh, yeah, I recognize your voice.
You're the lady that's been doing the news on the radio.
That why you're looking for Phil?

Julia: Phil?

Men: Phil Bushey, the DJ you work with at the station.
That's his car; he's got to be home.

Julia: That's my husband's car.

Phil: What is all the racket?

Julia: What are you doing with Peter's car?

Phil: He sold it to me.

Phil passed out
I feel like crap.

I need some help!

At the hospital

Alice: One seizure happens, maybe it's no big deal.
Two seizures in three days buys you both a full workup.

Norrie: Mom, I feel fine.

Joe: Yeah, me, too.

Alice: I know, but we have to be sure.
Excuse me, I'm a physician.
We may be dealing with something infectious that's causing seizures in both of them.
I want you to do a blood count, an EEG, and if they're negative, get them MRIs.

Nurse: We can do the blood and EEG here, but the closest MRI is at the big hospital in Westlake, and that's five miles outside of the dome.

Alice: I don't suppose you have a neurologist.

Nurse: We're fresh out of doctors.
Look, one of them's on vacation in Vail, the other one drove his Porsche right into the dome, and Dr.
Shumway is M.I.A.

Alice: Then I'll do the tests.

Nurse: What kind of doctor are you?

Carolyn: She's a psychiatrist, but she did her internship in medicine.

Nurse: Come with me.

Joe: Your moms are pretty hard-core.

Norrie: You have no idea.

Joe: All right, I'll be right there, okay? Hey, Junior, you haven't seen my sister, have you? I haven't seen her since the dome came down.

Junior: Angie? Saw her a couple nights ago.

Joe: Where?

Junior: I don't know, around.
Anything else, Little Man?

Joe: I guess not.

Big Jim and Barbie bring Linda in

Nurse: What's going on with her?

Barbie: Not sure.

Big Jim: She collapsed and now she's burning up.

Junior: Dad.

Big JIm: Junior, what happened to your hand?

Junior: Oh, uh, chopping wood.
Ax slipped.
Feeling okay.What happened with Linda?

Jim: I don't know.

Nurse: We need some help.
More people are coming in with fever and headache.

Jim: What are we dealing with here?

Nurse: I don't know, it could be the flu.
We need to get more cots up from the basement.

Barbie: I'll get it.

Jim: Junior, help Barbie.

Julia: He passed out.

Nurse: Put him in Bay 3.

Julia: What happened to Linda?

Jim: She passed out, too--

Julia: probably from the same thing that happened to Phil.
What's going on? I wish

Jim: I could tell you, Mrs.
The town's out of doctors.
Sure could use your husband.

Hospital Room

Alice: There, done.
Will you run this to the lab?

Nurse :Sure.

Joe: So, how's this thing work?

Alice: It measures the electronic activity in your brain.

Joe: Is everything normal?

Norrie: Nope, you're a mutant like Wolverine.

JOe: You know X-Men?

Norrie: I know a lot of stuff.

Alice: Norrie, not now.
Your brain's as normal as any EEG I've ever seen.

Joe: Then why'd we have the seizures?

Big Jim arrives

Big Jim: Alice, Nurse Adams said you'd be here.
We need your help, right away.

Alice: Stay.

Big Jim: I know this, uh, may sound crazy, but, uh, we're lucky you got trapped here in Chester's Mill.

Alice: Excuse me.
What's going on?

Jim: You tell me.
We need your help.

Alice sees all the patients
Uh, well, I'll need a mask and gloves before I examine anyone.

NUrse: We're out of both.

Alice: What about antibiotics?

NUrse: We have that for now.

Julia: What are you doing here?

Barbie: Linda got sick, so Jim and I brought her in.

Julia: Why? What are you doing here? I just brought in a friend of yours-- Phil Bushey.
If you've never been to Chester's Mill before, how do you know Phil?

Barbie: I have no idea what you're talking about.

Julia shows to Barbie the map she found in his bag

So you went through my stuff?

Julia: You lied to me about having a fight with Junior Rennie, so, yeah, I thought I would check up on maybe what else you lied about.
You owe me an explanation.
Barbie, just tell me the truth.

Julia fainted

Alice: Whoa, whoa.

Julia: I'm okay, I just have a headache.
Let's get her to the treatment area.

Other Room

Nurse: Set those cots up down there; we are getting slammed.

Linda: Mrs.

Mrs Moore: Linda Esquivel.

Linda: You were my third grade teacher.

Mrs Moore: Of course.
I remember you, Linda.

Linda: You were an amazing teacher.

Moore: Oh.
You were a terrible student.
Do you think it's the dome? Is that what's making us sick?

Linda: I don't know, Mrs.
I don't know.

Junior: Dad, what the hell is going on around here?

Big Jim: Uh, some kind of outbreak.
Doctor what exactly is going on here?

Alice: I think it could be meningitis.

Barbie: My cousin had that.
It's bad.
One minute he was fine, the next he was dying.

Alice: We can't be sure, because the clinic doesn't have any spinal tap kits, but the symptoms-- high fever, neck pain, photophobia-- I'd be surprised if it was anything else.
I think we may have an epidemic on our hands.

Jim: An epidemic? How contagious is it?

Alice: Very.
If anyone who's sick coughs, it spreads.
This damn dome.
It's like an incubator.Your son probably got vaccinated when he went to college; so did my family.
So, we're okay.

Barbie: Yeah, I got mine in the military.

Big Jim: Yeah.
Well, what about those who didn't?

Alice: Well, if there's no symptoms, swallow an antibiotic and you're protected.
But for these people who are sick, they need antibiotics, and they need them fast.

Jim: Okay, so then how much time are we talking about?

Alice: But that's not our only problem.
I checked-- we don't have enough antibiotics to treat all these people.

Jim: Dee's Pharmacy.
Listen, Doctor.
Give me a list of what you need.

Alice: Let me be absolutely clear: if these people leave and it spreads...

Jim: Well, we're gonna make sure it doesn't.

Junior: Got that list from the doctor.

JIm: Thanks.
Go inside.
Guard the door.
Make sure no one gets out.

Junior: Like a quarantine?

Jim: You can call it what you'd like.
Nobody leaves.
Counting on you, Junior.

Junior closes the doors

Junior: The clinic is now closed.
No one leaves, you understand? No one.

Julia: Phil?

Phil: What?

Julia: Phil, I need to know how you ended up with Peter's car.

Phil: Peter, I'm sorry, man, I can't make it to the cabin tonight.

Julia: Cabin? What cabin?

Alice: What are you doing out of bed?

Julia: I think that he knows where Peter is.
Uh, where my husband is.
I just need to talk to him.

Alice: Well, okay, give him a few hours for his antibiotics to kick in.
And you should go back to bed until Big Jim comes back with your dose.

Phil: Dodee, don't go.

Alice: He's hallucinating.
It's one of the later symptoms of meningitis.
It's a good thing that you brought him in when you did.
Go back to bed.

At The Pharmacy

Big Jim and Barbie arrive

Big Jim: What the hell?

Barbie: Damn it! Whoever did this took everything.

At The Hospital

Carolyn : How many are we up to?

Alice: At least 30 with advanced symptoms.
Another two dozen with early signs.

Carloyn: Any news from Big Jim?

Alice: Not yet.

Carolyn: Honey, you don't look well.
Are you sure you haven't caught

Alice: We got vaccinated, remember? When we took that safari to Africa.
I took my insulin without eating.

Carolyn: How much do you have left?

Alice: Can we please talk about this later?

Carolyn: How much?

Alice: Definitely a few days' worth.

Carolyn: Okay.
I'm gonna get you something to eat, and you're gonna eat it.

Nurse: Dr.Calvert! Linda's temp's 104 and Mrs.
Moore's BP's falling.

Alice: How much antibiotic do we have left?

Nurse: One dose.

Mrs Moore: Give Linda the medicine.
I'll wait till the next round.
There's no way I'm gonna take it.
Go ahead, give Linda the dose.

Julia You need to let me out.
Junior : Sorry.
Orders from my dad.
Nobody leaves until we get this thing under control.

Julia : Junior? James? You don't understand.
I think that my husband might be in trouble.

Junior: How?

Julia : What All I know is that Phil said that he was meeting Peter in a cabin.

Junior: Like the one I found Barbie at?

Julia: What are you talking about?

Junior: A few days ago, I followed Barbie to this cabin.
Uh, end of Sparrow's Lane.

Julia: You need to let me out.

Junior : I wish I could, but I can't.

In BIg Jim's car

Well, at least whoever took all that medicine couldn't have gotten far.
Because of the dome? Yeah.
And with a haul that size, there's no way they're getting away on foot.
So we're looking for a truck or a van.
Or a hearse.

They saw the reverend

Barbie: What, your reverend? The hell would he be doing with drugs?

BJ: Nothing good.

Coggins: His wrath burns like fire.

BJ: The hell are you doing?

Coggins: Honoring his plan.
When I heard folks got sick, I broke into Dee's Pharmacy

BJ : What are you, insane?! People will die without that medicine!

Coggins : Those people are supposed to die.
It's God's plan.
Trust me.
He's the only one who decides who lives and dies under his dome.
And there's nothing you can do about it.

He punches Coggins and take the medecine and talk to Barbie

BJ : Unload the car.

At The Hospital

Linda : What's happening?

Mrs Moore : They gave you antibiotics.
You should be on the mend soon.

Linda : And how are you feeling?

Msr Moore : I've been better.

Linda : If you told me yesterday that the idea of Junior Rennie brandishing a shotgun would be reassuring I'd have laughed my head off.

Mrs Moore : Actually, I might have said that about you a few years ago.

Linda : Wasn't exactly the teacher's pet, was I? With that mouth of yours?

Mrs Moore : Lord, no.
But now look at you.
The town sheriff.

Linda : I've had a lot of help, though.
Especially from Duke Perkins.

Mrs Moore : May he rest in peace.
But don't sell yourself short.

Mrs Moore' s coding

Linda : Mrs.
Moore? Mrs.
Moore? Help! We need help in here!

Nurse : She's coding.
Starting chest compressions.
One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, 11, 12

Linda : I was just talking to her.

In The Hall way

Patient : Out of the way, Junior! You have no right to keep us here.
You can't stop all of us with that gun.

Junior : Step back.
- Whoa! - Hey, hey, hey.

Ollie D : Let's go.

Junior : Mr.
Densmore you remember when my mother died? And your wife, she made that amazing corn bread.
From your own field, she said.
Even gave me the skillet.

Ollie : I remember.

Junior : Now I'm in here with you, with this.
Not to point a gun at you.
But because I live here and I'm one of you.
We've got to fight through this thing together and trust that we're all in here for a reason.
I believe in this town.
I believe in my dad.
And I believe in you.

In A Room with Joe and Norie

Norrie : It's a zoo out there.

Joe give her a sandwich
So what are we gonna do when we run out of, like, peanut butter and jelly and bread? What are we gonna eat?

Joe : We'll get out before then.
All right, so, I was thinking our seizures.
The last time one happened was after we touched.

Norrie : Yeah, could've been a coincidence.
Both of us? At the same exact time? What if we triggered it?

Joe : Okay, how would that happen?

Norrie : I don't know, but we should test it.

Joe : Like touch again?

Norrie : Yeah.
Unless, you know, you're scared.

Joe : No, I'm not scared.
We should film it.

He take his phone and put it in the table

Joe : Get on the floor.

Norrie : All right.
But if you pee your pants, just know there will be video evidence.

Joe : Same goes for you.
You ready?

Norrie : Let's do it.

Joe : Okay.

NOrrie : I feel stupid.

The colapse on the floor

Big Jim and Barbie arrive

BJ : Got the antibiotics.

Alice : Bring it straight on in to the charge nurse.

BJ : Any problems in there?

Junior : Not at all.
Help! Junior!

Barbie go see Phil

Barbie : So, where's Julia?

Phil : Not a clue, man.
I barely know where I am.

Barbie : What did you tell her? What did she ask you?

Phil : It's all kind of blurry, but I think it was something about her husband.
Relax, it's not like he's gonna say anything about you.
He's gone.

Barbie : What do you mean, he's gone?

Phil : Gone like gone.
Like "Adios, Peter Shumway.
" About a month ago, he came to me asking if I knew any hit men.

Barbie : Whoa He asked you about hit men?

Phil : I know.
Right? And I told him that crap was only in the movies.
He was in a bad way.
He sold me his car for a steal.
I told him if things were that bad, he should take the cash and buy the first bus ticket out of here and start over.
Sorry, man.
I don't know how much he owed you.
You ain't getting that cash back.

Barbie : And how much of this did you tell her?

Phil : It's tough to say.
I I was pretty out of it.

In The Cabin

Julia is on the floor, in pain

Julia : Peter?

Peter : Hey there, Red.

Julia : Why didn't you tell me?

Peter : I'll tell you soon.

At The Hospital

Joe : Norrie.
Wake up.
You feel anything?

Norrie : I don't remember.

Joe : Let's check out the video.
I'll rewind it.
Here we go.

I feel stupid.
The pink stars are falling.
The pink stars are falling in lines.

Joe : Pink stars? I don't get it.


Norrie : Do you remember doing that?

JOe : No.
No way.

Norrie : What does this mean?

Joe : I don't know.
Maybe we're not supposed to tell anyone.

Norrie : Why not?

Joe : Cause the dome doesn't want us to.

Barbie : Hey.
Have you seen Julia?

Junior : Why? Did she wise up and ditch you?

Barbie : She needs antibiotics.
When's the last time you saw her?

Junior : Couple hours ago.
She kept asking about a cabin.

Barbie : What'd you tell her?

Junior : I just mentioned the place I saw you a couple days ago.

Barbie : Give me the keys to your truck.

Junior : - No.

Barbie : Hey.
Now, she left on your watch.
She's sick and she will die out there, so give me the keys to your truck.

Linda : I heard you saved the day.

BJ : Well, that's what I do.

Linda : Well, your son takes after you, too.

BJ : Oh, yeah?

Linda : He stopped what could have been a full-blown riot.
People were freaking out, and he talked them down.

BJ : Chip off the old block.
You ever consider a career in law enforcement?

In a room, Barbie take care of Julia

Julia : Was that you? Was that me what? Was that you who saved my life? I learned about Peter in that cabin.
We're broke; he emptied our accounts.
And the house is in foreclosure.
So, what were you all into? Drugs?

Barbie : When I got out of the military, I did, um I had a bunch of odd jobs.
Uh was a line cook.
And then, um then I linked up with a bookie out of Westlake.

Julia : Taking bets?

Barbie : Making sure the people paid what they owed.

Julia : You're an enforcer.

Barbie : Guys like Phil owed and they paid up, and most of the time, it's like that.

Julia : Peter never gambled.

Barbie take his phone and let Julia listen a voice mail from Peter

Peter : I've got the cash, but my wife's home.
Meet me at the other spot.

Barbie : It's his voice mail from five days ago.

Julia : So, where is he now? Please.
I have to know.

Barbie : He must have taken off.
You know, that happens sometimes.
Some of these guys, they get in so deep, and you know, they skip town.
I'm sorry.

Julia : You're sorry? I let you stay in my house.
I trusted you.
Your sorry means nothing to me.
When I get back home, you better be gone.

CArolyn : So, is the outbreak over?

Alice : Well, everyone who's sick has been treated, and anyone exposed to meningitis got antibiotics.
So yes, it's over.
How do you guys feel? Any more seizures?

Norrie : No.
We're fine.

Alice : What have you two been doing all day?

Norrie : Oh, you know, just making out and stuff.

Alice : It's the "stuff" that usually worries us.
I am beat. Can we go home, please?

Norrie : Home? It's a room above a diner.

Alice : You have any better ideas, kiddo?

Joe : Well, I do.
I mean, both my parents are outside the dome, and there's more than enough room at my house.
It's just me, so you guys could stay there.

Norrie : Please don't say no.

Alice:  Thanks, Joe.
That'd be great.
I'll grab our stuff and meet you in the car.
Babe, what are you doing? Are you stealing insulin?

Carolyn : You yourself said you only had a week's supply left.
Alice, look what happened today.
We almost ran out of antibiotics for everyone.
What happens when we run out?

Alice : Okay, what's going on? You're not acting like yourself.

Carolyn : I-I'm scared.
What if the dome lasts forever?

Alice : It won't.
We will get out of here.
I promise.

Carolyn : You sure you'll be okay?

Alice : Yeah.

Linda's House

Linda : Thanks for the ride.

BJ : Yeah.
It's not your fault, you know.

Linda : What isn't?

BJ : Mrs.

Linda : She died saving my life.

BJ : She knew how important you are to this town.
To all of us.

Linda : I'm not the only one.
What you did today saved a lot of lives.
The way you did it.

BJ : Duke always said the greatest weapon we have as police is a good heart.

Linda : Mrs.
Moore was right.

BJ : About what?

Linda : We have come a long way.

Big Jim saw Coggins

BJ : If you came here to apologize, don't bother.

Coggins : I have nothing to apologize for.
I came to give you this.
My share of the profits.
Keep all the propane.
I'm gonna wash my hands of our dirty little business.

BJ : Little late for that, Lester.

Coggins : Never too late to repent.
You think you've saved this town, but you've damned them.
You defied God's will.
And for that, you'll pay.

BJ : You're lucky I didn't haul your ass into jail for what you did today.
Luck has nothing to do with it.
You can't hurt me without hurting yourself.
God bless.
Help! Help! Help!

Kikavu ?

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choup37, 18.04.2024 à 08:49

5 participants prennent part actuellement à la chasse aux gobelins sur doctor who, y aura-t-il un sixième?

chrismaz66, 18.04.2024 à 11:04

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choup37, 19.04.2024 à 19:45

Maintenant j'en ai plus que deux, je joue aussi sur kaa

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