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#107 : Le Cercle de la vie

Résumé: Alors qu'il sent que son autorité diminue, Big Jim décide de reprendre les choses en main. Le dôme montre ses pouvoirs lorsqu'un habitant disparaît et qu'un nouveau fait son entrée


4.8 - 5 votes

Titre VO
Imperfect Circles

Titre VF
Le Cercle de la vie

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Première diffusion en France

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Photo de l'épisode #1.07

Photo de l'épisode #1.07

Photo de l'épisode #1.07

Photo de l'épisode #1.07

Photo de l'épisode #1.07

Photo de l'épisode #1.07

Photo de l'épisode #1.07

Photo de l'épisode #1.07

Photo de l'épisode #1.07

Photo de l'épisode #1.07

Photo de l'épisode #1.07

Photo de l'épisode #1.07

Photo de l'épisode #1.07

Photo de l'épisode #1.07

Photo de l'épisode #1.07

Photo de l'épisode #1.07

Photo de l'épisode #1.07

Photo de l'épisode #1.07

Photo de l'épisode #1.07

Photo de l'épisode #1.07

Photo de l'épisode #1.07


Logo de la chaîne M6

France (inédit)
Jeudi 14.11.2013 à 20:50
3.98m / 14.7% (Part)

Logo de la chaîne CBS

Etats-Unis (inédit)
Lundi 05.08.2013 à 22:00
10.42m / 2.6% (18-49)

Plus de détails

Scénario :  Caitlin Parrish
Réalisation :Miguel Sapochnik

Guest Stars :

  • Samantha Mathis: Alice Calvert
  • John Elvis: Ben
  • Dale Raoul: Andrea
  • Jeff Chase: Boomer
  • Jaret Stears: Clint Dundee
  • Linds Edwards: Waylon Dundee
  • Megan Ketch: Harriet

Norrie wakes up Joe.

Norrie: Joe... Joe... Joe!

Joe: Norrie. Hi. Welcome to my room.

Norrie: I want you to come with me to the dome. So we can figure all this out. See how we're really connected to it.

Joe: Just because Dodee's gadget thing beeped at us doesn't mean that...

Norrie: Listen. Something happened when we both touched it. It was like we had powers or something. Don't you think that's amazing?

Joe: It's not exactly the word I'd use.

Norrie: Well, you should. Let's go see if we can talk to it or something. See what the dome wants, and convince it to go away.

Joe: Can I get my pants on first?

Norrie: Can I watch? Kidding.

Barbie watches sleeping Julia.

Julia: No. I'd like you to stay.

Someone knock on the door.

Julia: They will go away.

Julia opens her door.

Julia: Harriet.

Harriet: Hi.

Julia: Everything okay?

Harriet: I'm sorry, I know it's early. Do you have any yogurt? The food mart's emptied out after the people raided it, and it's the only thing I can keep down.

Julia: Just a month to go, huh?

Harriet: Six weeks. Greg's deployment was gonna be over so he could be home when the baby's born, but with this thing... I don't know. Oh. Hi.

Barbie: Morning.

Julia: Barbie, this is my neighbour Harriet. I think I have that yogurt.

Barbie: I'm sorry.

Julia: Where are you off to? Running away?

Barbie: Half the town going nuts yesterday, that wasn't a fluke. So... Linda could still use my help.

At the Rennie’s house.

Big Jim: I told you last night to stay away from Angie, didn't I?

Junior: I'm sorry. I... I went to her room just to talk to her. Please don't do this. Come on, please, don't. She... She can hear.

Big Jim: Oh, I'm embarrassing you? Huh? The guy who locks a girl up in a shelter?

Junior: I had to. The dome was making her sick.

Big Jim: You're the one who's sick!

Junior: Please don't say that.

Big Jim: You have to leave.

Junior: This is my home. Where else am I supposed to go?

Big Jim: Anywhere but here. And if you ever so much as get near Angie, I'll make you sorry. I promise.

Junior: Dad, don't.

Angie: He is crazy.

Big Jim: Well, now he won't be a problem for either of us. You look tired. I know I am. More than welcome to stay here.

Angie: You just want to make sure I don't tell everyone what Junior did. No, I... I'm going home to my brother. After I say good-bye to Rose. Where did, um... Where's her body?

Big Jim: I don't know if you heard about Lester Coggins, but no one took over the mortuary since he passed, so Linda had to leave Rose... In the Sweetbriar kitchen.

Angie: What?

Big Jim: I know it's a shame, but it's just until she can get buried. Here. I want you to take this and go see her.

Angie: You have a key to the diner?

Big Jim: Well, I'd better. I own the place. I kept loaning Rose money over the years to keep it open. It just seemed silly after a while, so I... Bought it.

Angie: I know that she was your friend, too.

Big Jim: Say good-bye for both of us.

At Julia’s home.

Harriet: Thanks again, Julia.

Julia: Any time.

Harriet sees her husband.

Greg: Harriet! Honey! Come here.

Harriet: Greg? You're really here?

Greg: I finally made it home to you, baby.

Harriet touches the dome.

Harriet: Ah! Greg? Greg? Julia!

Julia: Harriet?

Harriet: Julia! Anybody, help me, please! Ah!

Julia: I'm coming, sweetie. I got you. I'm right here. It's okay. It's okay. It's just your water breaking.

Harriet: No... It's too early! Ah... I touched the dome. I... I think it did something to my baby.

At the sheriff’s station.

Junior: Something wrong?

Linda: You're the only deputy that bothered to show up today.

Junior: Where else am I gonna go?

Barbie: Junior.

Junior: Hey.

Barbie: Anyone else wondering what's gonna happen next in this town?

Linda: Yeah, well, we need to deal with the Dundees. Clint and Waylon killed Rose yesterday. I went by their place last night, but they're smart enough not to go home. Let's go track 'em down. Junior, you stay on patrol. If someone even looks like they're even thinking of looting, you shut it down.

Junior: Okay, just let him go on patrol. I know the Dundees; I might be able to talk them down without things getting stupid.

Barbie: Uh, that's fine by me.

Linda: All right, come on.

At Julia’s home.

Julia: Okay.

Harriet: Thank you, Julia.

Julia: You thought you saw Greg?

Harriet: I did see Greg. He was waving to me. I thought it meant that the dome was gone, and then when I went to him and tried to touch him...

Julia: He wasn't there.

Harriet: I should've known it was too good to be...

Julia: We should get you to the clinic.

Harriet: Okay, let's take my car. Greg put a hospital go bag in there.

Julia: Okay. Let's go.

At the Sweetbriar.

Angie: Rose.

Ben: Who's in there?!

Angie: Stay away from me!

Ben: Whoa, whoa! I'm not gonna hurt you. Wait. You're Joe's sister. I'm Ben. I'm friends with your brother.

Angie: Uh, is Joe okay?

Ben: Yeah, he's hanging with his new girlfriend. Seriously, you don't need to be stabby with me. I just saw the door open and wanted to make sure no one was wrecking stuff again. Oh, damn. Is that Rose?

Angie: Will you help me with something?

At Ollie’s farm.

Ollie: Go on, folks, take all you can carry. That well ain't running out any time soon.

Big Jim: So business is booming. That grin of yours is about to cut the top of your head off.

Ollie: Well, town needed me. And I'm happy to help.

Big Jim: Sure you are. Long as I keep you stockpiled in propane.

Ollie: Just a capitalist. Like you, Jim. But you didn't come out here to chew the fat with your old pal.

Big Jim: No. I came to bury the hatchet.

Ollie: You?

Big Jim: Look, Ollie. We can keep pissing each other off or we can get things done. Okay? Now, you got the water. I got lots of propane. We work together, we can get this town here back on track, and our friends and neighbours back on their feet.

Ollie: Good old Big Jim. Always thinking of Chester's Mill.

Big Jim: Well, it's the right thing to do.

Ollie: Still... You sure about that propane supply?

Big Jim: Trust me, it won't run out.

Ollie: Oh, I don't doubt that. But what I'm asking is... Are you sure it's still yours?

Big Jim: What the hell does that mean?

Ollie: Sure was a nice new dawn this morning, wasn't it?

At Joe’s Farm.

Norrie: Anything?

Joe: Yeah. You're really good at that.

Norrie: From the dome, Joe. Anything from the dome?

Joe: I didn't feel anything, like a seizure.

Norrie: Me neither. Unfortunately.

Joe: Maybe we're going about it all wrong. I-I mean, we've touched it. We've talked to it.

Norrie: Made out on it.

Joe: Which was awesome. But every single time something has happened, it's been because we did something different.

Norrie: Joe, I'm not having sex with you for the first time against the dome.

Joe: I didn't mean that. Wait, but... You want to do that?

Norrie: Focus.

Joe: I'm just saying. Maybe we're trying to get a response from it in the wrong place. Maybe the real action isn't along the perimeter.

Norrie: Where else would it be?

Joe: If the dome is like an atom, and these walls are-are just electrons... That means there has to be a nucleus in the center of it.

Norrie: Which could be holding it all together.

Joe: Maybe that's where we should go.

Norrie: You're smart, Joe McAlister.

At the propane warehouse.

Big Jim: What the hell is this, Boomer? You better say you somehow got lost on your way to your damn cornfield!

Boomer: Gonna have to stop you right there, Mr. Rennie. Ollie says no one's allowed inside but him.

Big Jim: Ollie?

Boomer: Yeah.

Big Jim: This is my property, I'll do whatever I…

Boomer: Please! Them keys ain't gonna do you any good.

Big Jim: Now, look here, Boomer. You get out of my way...

Boomer hits Big Jim.

Big Jim: You...

Boomer: Mouthy townie bastard.

Barbie patrols in the street and sees the Dundee brother.

Junior and Linda are on the road.

Junior: So what happens after we catch Waylon and Clint?

Linda: Put them in a cell.

Junior: Then what? I mean, county court's in Westlake outside of the dome.

Linda: We bring them in, and then we figure it out. Dundees can't just walk free after killing Rose. Or what they were gonna do to Angie.

Junior: Wait, Angie was attacked?

Linda: Just so you know, she's okay. They were gonna rape her. Barbie stopped them, but then they got away.

Junior: Yeah, they won't get away this time.

On the road.

Harriet: Can you go faster?

Julia: It's just a few more blocks. What the hell is this? Sorry, I got to...

Clint and Waylon attack Harriet’s car.

Waylon: Nobody move! Or I'll blow your head off!

Harriett: My God, what do we do?

Julia: We do exactly what they say.

Waylon: : Shut up!

Clint: You got it?

Harriett: I can't believe we're being gas-jacked.

Julia: Car's not nearly as useful as the fuel.

Waylon: Come on, hurry up!

Clint: Waylon, it's going!

Waylon: Move!

Barbie attacks Waylon.

Barbie: Linda? Linda, it's Barbie. I just tangled with the Dundees.

Linda: Copy. Where?

Julia: Try and squeeze my hand.

Barbie shoots Waylon.

Julia: He's okay. No one's hurt. He's okay.

Barbie: We're at town center. They took off to the northwest.

Linda: We're on it.

Julia: She's going into labour. We got to get her to the clinic.

Barbie: That's not gonna happen. Just went by there. It's closed.

Harriett: My baby's coming!

Julia: Alice. She's a doctor. She's staying with Joe McAlister.

Harriett: We got to go.

Julia: But this car's not going anywhere now.

Barbie: Then let's start walking, come on. Get her out of there, let's go.

On the road.

Linda: Where do you think Waylon and Clint are headed? Not much northwest of town.

Junior: Except that salvage yard. What, you never played hide and go seek there as a kid? It's got lots of old buildings. No one around. If they're on the run, they're probably there.

Linda: It's worth a shot.

Junior: Yeah. Let's go kick their teeth in.

Linda: Like hell. We're gonna arrest them and read them their rights.

Junior: What, seriously?

Linda: We're not vigilantes, okay? You only use that gun if your life is in danger. Do you understand?

Junior: Yeah, I got it. Whatever you say, Sheriff.

In the fields.

Norrie: Do you think we're getting closer?

Joe: About five miles from the wall. We've been going perfectly southwest. Shouldn't be too far now.

Norrie: If we ever get out of here, you should seriously consider a career in cartography.

Joe: Me and Ben mapped the dome on day one. Lucky I paid attention in trig class.

Norrie: If we turn it off, we can get my mom more insulin.

Joe: H-How is she?

Norrie: She's good, but we're gonna need more. Joe? Do you ever wonder why it picked us?

Joe: Sure, but I'm mainly just glad it did.

Norrie: Excuse me?

Joe: I mean, it's weird and it's scary, but it's the first time anything like this has happened on Earth. That's awesome... In the true "awe" sense of awesome. Uh, not to mention, if it hadn't come down, I might not have met you.

Norrie: What's his problem?

Joe: Truman! Are you okay? Truman? Truman!

Norrie: He thinks something's wrong. Should we go back, too?

Joe: We can't stop now. We're close.

At the Sweetbriar.

Ben: Man, I never buried anyone before. That was messed up. I mean it was nice. It was nice of you to bury Rose.

Angie: I never appreciated her. I... Was always too busy wishing that I was somewhere else. Someone else. We got to clean this place up. Why don't you go see if you can find us a mop.

Big Jim enters.

Angie: What happened to you?

Big Jim: People making trouble for themselves. I need a drink.

Ben: Hell yeah! Chug!

Big Jim: Didn't know you had company, Angie.

Ben: Ben Drake, sir. We met at one of Junior's games.

Big Jim: You been talking about Junior?

Angie: No.

Big Jim: Clean this blood up.

At the McAlister’s farm.

Alice: Babe, I told you, I'm feeling much better.

Carolyn: For now.

Alice: I just don't want to act sick until I am sick.

Carolyn: Honey...

Alice: Please?

Carolyn: Your insulin has been so irregular. It has to be messing with you.

Alice: I'm telling you, I don't need this.

Carolyn: Okay then, badass. Get up and dance.

Alice: I want to.

Carolyn: I'm sorry.

Alice: For what?

Carolyn: For bringing us here. For insisting that Norrie be sent to that program.

Alice: I insisted, too. And I would follow you anywhere. It is no one's fault.

Julia knocks on the door.

Julia: Alice? It's my neighbour Harriet. She's in labour a month early.

Alice: Let's get her on the couch.

Harriett: Oh...

Barbie: All right, nice and... Nice and slow.

Alice: Harriet?

Harriett: Yeah.

Alice: I am Alice Calvert...

Harriett: Don't leave.

Barbie: I'm not leaving.

Alice:...And you are gonna be just fine. Actually, you're gonna have the first baby born inside the dome.

Into the woods.

Norrie: Oh, my God. The hair's standing up on my arms.

Joe: And there it is.

Norrie: What the hell is that?

Joe: It shocked me. You've got to be kidding me. Another dome?

Norrie: I think there's something inside.

At the McAlister’s farm.

Alice: Ten centimeters. It's almost time to push.

Harriett: I can't do this without my husband. I can't.

Alice: Harriet. Harriet, listen to me.

Harriett: I can't do this.

Alice: This happens every day. You can do this.

Harriett: This is not every day, Alice. This isn't right... Bringing someone into a world like this.

Julia: Harriet, you are gonna be a wonderful mother. Do you remember when we first met? You showed me the sonogram, and you couldn't contain yourself.

Harriett: There's no hope with people behaving this way. And it's only gonna get worse, isn't it? With all of us trapped under this thing? Isn't it?

Julia: You don't know that.

Barbie: Okay, Harriet, Harriet, Harriet. Look at me. Look at me. Good things happened today. Right? Some people, they're always gonna show up. Now, we're here. All right? We're not going anywhere, but I'm gonna need you to show up, too. Okay?

Harriett: Okay.

Barbie: Yeah?

Harriett: Okay. Will you hold my hand?

Barbie: Listen, I got you. Okay? We all do.

Alice: Harriet, it's time to push, on three. You can do this, Harriet. One... Two... Three!

At Big Jim’s office.

Ollie: Hey, Jimmy. I hear you had a little run-in with the new security guard at your old propane warehouse.

Big Jim: Had worse.

Ollie: Well, I hate to see my old friend sittin' here, licking his wounds like a fat-ass cat. So I'll be brief. Earlier, you said we should be working together. But you see, I got the well. And unless I'm wrong, I got more crops than you townies, and now I got the propane. So unless you want your beloved Chester's Mill to starve to death... You'll toe the line… You see, it's my turn to have my sweaty hand wrapped around this town's neck. So from now on, when I say "Jump," you say, "How high?" Didn't I say it was a nice new dawn this morning?

Waylon and Clint are hiding in a garage.

Clint: I don't see anybody, do you?

Waylon: What are you so scared of?

Clint: Uh, the guy that kicked your ass yesterday. Almost did it again today. I think he's a deputy. You know he's gonna tell Linda.

Waylon: You know, they ought to worry about us, not the other way around. Whole town's falling apart, Clint. There's a lot of good opportunities, going forward.

Clint: Waylon. There's somebody on your side.

Junior: Damn, you're stupid, Clint. Drop 'em and put your hands where I can see them!

Linda: Do what he says. Now! Put your hands behind your head. You're both under arrest for the murder of Rose Twitchell. You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be held against...

The Dundees escape. Linda kills Waylon. Junior runs after Clint.

Clint: Please. I'll go quietly, please. I'll go peacefully. Please...

Junior kills Clint.

Linda: Junior...

Junior: Got him.

Into the woods.

Joe: Maybe it's the generator that created the whole dome. Open. Open and turn off. End program.

Norrie: It's not working, Joe.

Joe: You think?

Norrie: Hello. Begin communication.

Joe: Who are you talking to?

Norrie: Hey, you! Initiate communication!

Joe: Maybe it doesn't like being yelled at. What if we ask nicely? The big dome responded when we both touched it together, and made the radio work again.

Norrie: Okay. Outer space thing, we would like it very much if we could just talk to you. And...

Joe: Norrie.

Norrie: Mom? I need to find my mom. Come on!

At the McAlister’s farm.

Alice: That's it! That's it! That's great. Okay. Uh-oh.

Harriett: What? Is something wrong with my baby?

Alice: No, you're fine, sweetheart. Something's wrong.

Barbie: Alice?

Alice: Uh...

Harriett: What's happening?

Barbie: Nothing. Everything's fine, okay? You got to keep pushing, all right?

Harriett: No, I...

Barbie: Yes. Yes, all right? Push on three. Ready? One... Here we go. One...

Harriett: It hurts so much.

Barbie:...Two, three. Push!

Boomer takes propane at the warehouse. Big Jim shoots the truck and it blows up.

Boomer: Come on !No! No!

At the McAlister’s farm.

Barbie: Okay, okay, okay, okay. Head's out. I don't... Is this... Is everything all right here?

Carolyn: No. No, no, no. You can't.

Alice: I have to. Okay... I need you to stop pushing. Uh... Harriet, you need to stop pushing.

Harriett: What?

Alice: I need you to stop pushing. The cord... It's wrapped around the baby's neck.

Barbie: Okay, well, you're gonna have to walk me through this. All right?

Alice: You have to cut the cord so the baby can breathe.

Barbie: Okay.

Alice: Clamp it.

Barbie: With what?

Alice: Uh, a string.

Julia: A string, yeah.

Harriett: Somebody help my baby!

Alice: Harriet... Just don't push yet.

Julia: I found shoelaces.

Barbie: Hurry, hurry, hurry, hurry, hurry.

Alice: Tie it off in two places.

Barbie: This one. I got it, I got it. Yeah. That's it. Okay, I got that. I'm good, I'm good.

Alice: You?

Barbie: Yeah.

Alice: Yeah? Okay, here we go. Okay.

Barbie: Great. All right, cord's cut.

Alice: Okay, Harriet, you can push now. One last big push.

Barbie: Come on, one more. Okay?

Harriett: Push now?

Barbie: On three. One... Two... Three. Push! Push, push, push, push, push, push... Oh! You've got a beautiful baby girl.

Harriett: There she is!

Barbie: Look at her, look at her.

Harriett: Oh, my...

Barbie: Let's go see Mama. Swaddle her up. There we go.

Harriett: Oh, my...

Julia: She's beautiful, Harriet.

Harriett: Oh, my lamb. Oh. Hello. Thank you. Thank you.

Alice: May I?

Harriett: Of course. Shh. That's good.

Alice: Hi.

Harriett: Alice.... Meet Alice.

Alice: Thank you.

Barbie: Oh, let's go back and see Mama, huh? Come here, you. Oh, oh, oh. She's a little traveller already. There we go.

Carolyn: Alice? Alice? Alice? Alice? Alice!

Barbie: Alice, what's wrong?

Alice: H... heart...

Carolyn: Alice...

At the Sweetbriar.

Angie: I appreciate your help today, Ben.

Ben: Hmm. What are you smiling about?

Angie: I just realized that this is the first time I've ever worked here and not been pissed off about it.

Junior: Hi, Angie. Come on, I'm... Not gonna bite you.

Angie: Your dad told you to leave me alone.

Junior: I just need to tell you something. So you can go home.

Ben: Nah, man, I don't think I will.

Junior: Um... I just wanted to tell you that I know I can't make you love me. That was my mistake. I just want you to know that I'm sorry. For everything.

Angie: Fine. You said it. Now leave.

Junior: Oh, and, uh, those Dundee guys? They'll never bother you again. That's all. Good night.

At the McAlister’s farm.

Julia: That was pretty amazing what you did.

Norrie: Where's my mom?

Julia: Upstairs.

Carolyn: She said it was a heart attack.

Norrie: What?

Carolyn: Her system's just been through way too much.

Norrie: Mom, I'm here.

Alice: Elinore. Baby girl.

In the garden.

Angie: Joe! Long time no see, you little brat.

Joe: Thanks, man.

Ben: No problem.

Angie: You all right?

Joe: Are you okay?

Angie: Yeah.

In Alice’s room.

Alice: So... Slad you made it.

Norrie: I knew something was wrong.

Alice: How?

Norrie: I saw you in the woods. It was like the dome wanted me to. I sound crazy.

Alice: It's all crazy. I helped... A woman give birth. She said... The dome made her see her husband. And now there's a new Alice here. It all... Must matter.

Norrie: No, Mom. You matter, too.

Alice: But if it brought you here, it must want me to go.

Norrie: No.

Alice: At least... It let me see my beautiful... Baby girl one last time. You and Carolyn... Take care of each other.

Norrie: Mom, you're not going anywhere.

Alice: But I am. So... You have to be brave.

Norrie: Okay. I will. I promise.

Alice: Love... You.

Norrie: I love you so much, Mom.

Alice dies.

Norrie runs to the dome.

Joe: Nore? Norrie!

Joe runs after her.

Norrie: Go. Bring her back. I'll do anything you want. Just tell me what you want. Don't take her away from me!

Carolyn cries.

Harriett holds Alice.

Barbie holds Julia.

Carolyn kisses Alice.

Big Jim “discovers” the burning truck with the other.

Norrie: Just tell me what you want!

Pink stars are falling in line on the egg.

Kikavu ?

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