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#102 : Le Grand Feu

Résumé : Tandis que les habitants de Chester's Mill font face à l'incertitude qui entoure désormais leur vie sous le dôme, la panique monte encore d'un cran lorsqu'une maison prend feu alors que les pompiers sont restés bloqués hors du dôme.


5 - 4 votes

Titre VO
The Fire

Titre VF
Le Grand Feu

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Première diffusion en France





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L'officier Linda Esquivel tente de gérer la situation

L'officier Linda Esquivel tente de gérer la situation

Dodee Weaver et Phil Bushey à la station de radio WYBS

Dodee Weaver et Phil Bushey à la station de radio WYBS

Dodee, Phil et Julia à la station de radio WYBS

Dodee, Phil et Julia à la station de radio WYBS

James Junior Rennie, fils de Big Jim Rennie

James Junior Rennie, fils de Big Jim Rennie

Norrie Calvert-Hill est de passage à Chester’s Mill

Norrie Calvert-Hill est de passage à Chester’s Mill

Big Jim Rennie rend visite aux habitants

Big Jim Rennie rend visite aux habitants

Big Jim Rennie et la police de Chester’s Mill

Big Jim Rennie et la police de Chester’s Mill

L'officier Linda Esquivel et Dale Barbara

L'officier Linda Esquivel et Dale Barbara

Barbie et Julia

Barbie et Julia

Le Révérend Coggins complote avec Big Jim Rennie

Le Révérend Coggins complote avec Big Jim Rennie

Dale Barbara dit

Dale Barbara dit "Barbie", un ancien militaire

Big Jim Rennie console Linda Esquivel

Big Jim Rennie console Linda Esquivel

L'officier Linda Esquivel doit pénétrer dans une maison en feu

L'officier Linda Esquivel doit pénétrer dans une maison en feu

Un incendie provoque la panique

Un incendie provoque la panique

L'incendie fait de gros dégâts

L'incendie fait de gros dégâts

Norrie et ses deux mères Carolyn Hill et Alice Calvert

Norrie et ses deux mères Carolyn Hill et Alice Calvert

Alice Calvert, psychiatre et mère de Norrie

Alice Calvert, psychiatre et mère de Norrie

Carolyn Hill, avocate et mère de Norrie

Carolyn Hill, avocate et mère de Norrie

L'officier Linda Esquivel inquiète

L'officier Linda Esquivel inquiète

L'officier Linda Esquivel et Big Jim Rennie, le conseiller municipal

L'officier Linda Esquivel et Big Jim Rennie, le conseiller municipal

L'officier Linda Esquivel tente de pénétrer dans une maison en flamme

L'officier Linda Esquivel tente de pénétrer dans une maison en flamme


Logo de la chaîne M6

France (inédit)
Jeudi 31.10.2013 à 21:40
4.60m / 19.5% (Part)

Logo de la chaîne CBS

Etats-Unis (inédit)
Lundi 01.07.2013 à 22:00
11.81m / 2.9% (18-49)

Plus de détails

Scénario :  Rick Cleveland
Réalisation :  Jack Bender

Guest Stars :

  • Samantha Mathis: Alice Calvert
  • Beth Broderick: Rose Twitchell
  • Dale Raoul: Andrea Grinell
  • Jeff Fahey: Duke Perkins
  • R.Keith Harris: Peter Shumway
  • Josh Carter: Rusty Everett
  • John Elvis: Ben Drake
  • Leon Rippy: Ollie Dinsmore

Barbie rêve du moment où il a tué Peter: en pleine négociation, celui-ci a menacé Barbie avec un pistolet. Les deux hommes se sont alors battus et un coup accidentel a scellé le sort de Peter. Lors de la bagarre, les plaques d'identification de Barbie ont été arrachées.

Linda, toujours agenouillée près du corps sans vie du Shérif, voit arriver ses collègues Freddy Denton et Paul Randolph. Ce dernier pense qu'on a tiré sur Duke. Linda lui explique que le dôme a fait exploser son pacemaker. Très agité, Paul demande qui dirige le bureau du Shérif désormais. Linda en colère, lui répond d'arrêter de poser des questions et de faire son boulot.

Barbie se réveille dans la maison des Shumway. Celle-ci s'inquiète car elle l'a entendu parler dans son sommeil. Elle le remercie de sa présence car elle croit toujours son mari à l'extérieur. Barbie, un peu distrait de la conversation, s'aperçoit que ses plaques sont manquantes. 

Barbie se réveille dans la maison de Peter et Julia. Celle-ci s'inquiète car elle l'a entendu parler dans son sommeil. Elle le remercie d’être là. Elle croit que son mari est à l'extérieur. Barbie, un peu distrait, s'aperçoit que ses plaques ont disparu. 

Julia tente d'attirer l'attention des militaires près du dôme en jetant une balle de tennis sur lui. Très en colère, elle pense qu'ils sont responsables de l’apparition du dôme et donc, de l'absence de Peter.

Dans l'abri, Angie tente de s'évader quand Junior vient lui apporter son petit-déjeuner. Il parvient à la maîtriser et l’attache à un lit. Junior lui explique qu'il garde dans l’abri car le dôme la rend malade et qu'elle recommencera à l’aimer dès la fin de cette histoire. Il lui parle de Barbie, la veille il les a surpris fumant une cigarette. Croyant le pousser à bout, elle prétend avoir couché avec lui et qu'il était bien meilleur de Junior. Celui-ci s'en va, blessé.

Joe, remis de son attaque de la veille, décide de parcourir les alentours pour en savoir plus sur le dôme. Il s'aperçoit que des habitants tentent de creuser le sol sans succès, il décide d'appliquer des règles de trigonométrie pour calculer l'étendue du dôme. D'après ses estimations, le dôme mesurerait approximativement une quinzaine de kilomètres.

Big Jim retrouve Linda à la morgue où le corps de Duke Perkins a été emmené. Linda retourne au bureau du Shérif. Big Jim a une sérieuse dispute avec Lester. Il l'accuse de s’être droguer. Le Révérend répond que le dôme est le Jugement Dernier mais qu'ils n'auront pas de souci à se faire sur d'éventuelles révélations de Duke Perkins puisqu'il est mort. 

Julia débarque à la station de radio et découvre que Dodee a fabriqué un appareil capable de capter les fréquences des militaires. Elle a recueilli plusieurs informations. Le " dôme " a été mentionné et ils ont tenté plusieurs méthodes pour le détruire : les acides chimiques et le laser, sans succès. Elle décide de révéler ces informations à l'antenne.

Big Jim fouille dans les dossiers de Duke et est surpris par Linda. Il prétexte qu'il cherchait son testament. Linda découvre avec émotion que Perkins lui a légué sa maison. Big Jim prévient le Révérend : il n'a pas trouvé les factures d'achat de propane, il pense qu'elles sont chez Perkins. Le Révérend vole les clés de Linda. Il commence à fouiller la maison et retrouve les factures cachées sous un tiroir. Il s'empresse d'y mettre le feu et de les jeter dans une poubelle et démarre un incendie.

Joe, qui recherche toujours des indices sur le dôme, remarque un groupe de scientifiques qui arrosent le dôme. Il pose la main sur le dôme, il s'aperçoit que l'eau peut le traverser.

Barbie achète des cigarettes et croise Norrie. Il remarque qu'elle a volé une barre chocolatée, il lui explique que ce genre de denrées comme les cigarettes pourront s'échanger très vite si une crise se déclare.

Barbie se rend à la cabane où il a tué Peter et retrouve ses plaques. Il est surpris par Junior qui est convaincu d'avoir trouvé la cachette d'Angie et Barbie. Une violente bagarre éclate et Junior est vite maîtrisé par Barbie.

De retour à l'abri, Junior tente de convaincre Angie qu'il a tué Barbie, mais elle ne le croit pas. Elle lui dit qu’elle le connaît très bien et qu'il ne serait pas capable de faire ça. Il part, lui laissant des photos où ils semblaient encore heureux.

L'incendie de la maison de Duke attire les habitants. Barbie mobilise tout le monde afin de créer une chaîne pour éteindre le feu. Julia lui indique qu'il n'a pas plu depuis des jours et qu'un incendie brûlerait la ville entière et pourrait tous les tuer. Elle remarque que Barbie a retrouvé ses plaques. Celui-ci lui répond qu'il les a retrouvées dans la salle de bains, ce qui ne convainc pas Julia car elle avait regardé.

Linda entend les appels de détresse provenant de l’intérieur de la maison et décide d'y pénétrer. Elle parvient à sauver le Révérend. Le feu se propage rapidement malgré l'effort de tous. Big Jim arrive avec une pelleteuse et détruit la maison ce qui arrête l'incendie. 

La ville félicite Linda et Big Jim. Paul Randolph les traite de menteurs et leur rappelle que le dôme est toujours là et qu'ils sont tous piégés. Il sort son arme et tire sur la barrière invisible, une balle ricoche et va se loger dans poitrine de Freddy Denton qui s'écroule, mort.

Barbie maîtrise Paul, tandis que Linda s'agenouille auprès de son collègue, décédé.

Julia Shumway...

Chester's Mill is a place like any other.
At least, it used to be until we were cut off from the rest of the world by a mysterious dome.
Invisible, indestructible, and completely inescapable.
We're trapped.
We don't know where it came from or why it's here, but now that we're all trapped under the dome together, none of our secrets are safe.


Julia: Who the hell are you?

Barbie: Barbie.
People just call me Barbie.
It's a nickname.

Julia: My husband isn't here, but he'll turn up, you'll see.

Big Jim: What do we do when the people start asking about the propane?

Duke: That's your business.

Linda: Duke, is it your pacemaker?

Junior: Stop! No one can hear us all the way down here.

Angie: Let me out of here! Junior.

Junior: Dad.

Julia: You can stay with me.
Come on, I'll give you the nickel tour.

Peter Shumway's Cabin

Barbie and Peter are fighting

Barbie: Where is it?

Peter: I don't have it!

Barbie: Yeah? My boss is not gonna like that.
You got one day.
You hear me? Listen, all you've got to do is pay up.

Peter braque une arme sur Barbie

Barbie: You might want to think about it, all right? I mean, you don't want to do anything stupid.

Un coup de feu retentit...Peter tombe au sol, mort

Julia's house

Julia knocks on Barbie's door

Barbie: Yeah?

Julia: You all right?

Barbie: Yep.

Julia: You were, uh, talking in your sleep.
Yelling, actually.

Barbie: Is that thing still out there? Y

Julia: Yeah, looks like it.
The Hazmat suits haven't left.

Barbie: Julia thanks again for letting me crash here.

Julia: With my husband missing, and everything that happened today it was nice to have the company.
I'll see you in the morning.

Barbie: Great.

Julia: Did you lose something?

Barbie: Yeah.
You didn't happen to see a pair of dog tags around anywhere, did you?

Julia: No.
But I'll keep an eye out.

Near the dome

Paul and Freddy get out of the car and find Duke's body

Paul: Linda! Linda! What the hell happened? Who shot Duke?

Linda: No one shot Duke, Paul.
Calm down.
He just got close to this thing, and his pacemaker exploded.

Paul: Ah! Holy If this thing blows up mechanical things, then why didn't Freddy's watch explode?

Linda: It's a wind-up.
It must only affect things with batteries.
Either way, just check the roadblocks and make sure nobody gets near this thing.

Paul: Well, who's in charge now?

Linda: You're a cop.
Do your job.

Freddy: What about me? We need to take care of Duke.

Joe's House

Joe and Ben get out of the house

Ben: Joe, wait up!

Joe: I'm fine.

Ben: No, you're not.
An hour ago, you were having a seizure, flopping around like a fish on a hook.

Joe: Did I say anything?

Ben: Yeah, something about stars.

Joe: Pink stars.

Ben: Anything you want to tell me?

Joe: No.

Hey! Any luck, you guys?

Jeunes: No, not yet! This thing goes down far.

Ben: Oh, my God, you know what all this means? We're so not having that trig test tomorrow.

Joe: Trig.
That's a great idea.

Ben: It is?

Joe: I can totally map this thing, see if there's any holes.

Ben: I'm coming with you.

Joe: Dude, you don't have to.

Ben: Buddy, Lewis had Clark, you got me, all right?

Joe: Come on.

Radio Station

Phil: Say did you hear anything more about the military - on that contraption of yours?

Dodee: Nope.
I lost the signal, but I'm trying to get it back.

Phil: It's not as easy as cuing up the next Van Halen track.
Now, why is it that engineers always act superior to DJs?

Dodee: Because we're smarter, Phil.

Army guy on the radio

Negative, sir, fire is ineffective against the surface.
But we can confirm there is no radioactivity emanating from the dome.

Phil: They did it again.

Dodee: Second time in 24 hours they called it a dome.

Phil: Yeah, I heard him.

Dodee: No, I don't think you did, because you'd be freaking out, too.

Phil: We're under a dome, Dodee.

Dodee: Now, this is not just some invisible wall where a chopper can drop in and rescue us, man.
We gotta tell people.

Phil: And we will.
It's just right now we only know enough to scare the crap out of them.
To be continued.

Musique à la radio
Up to second gear, then come back down ♪ Daddy call his boss Faithful insomniacs,

Phil: Phil Bushey here.
It's been a long night.
And if you're listening to me, it's because you've got no choice.
You see, this barrier thing is blocking all of the cell phones, TV, Internet everything in our humble burg of Chester's Mill.
Now, theories about what's causing this range from the North Koreans to a breach in the space-time continuum.

Sweetbriar Rose Bar

Big Jim repairs Rose's generator

Big Jim: Well, sorry I didn't get to you sooner, Rose.
Had to make sure the clinic and the nursing home were taken care of.

Rose: Are you kidding me? If you're not careful, people are gonna start calling you Santa Claus.
Oh, God bless you, Jim Rennie.
How much do I owe you?

Big Jim: Ho, ho, ho.

Carolyn: Oh, my God.
The lights are back.
Did that invisible wall come down?

Big Jim: Well, I'm afraid not.
But, uh, we've got gennies up and running, so we have some power, at least get back to some sense of normal.
I don't believe we've met.

Rose: Councilman Jim Rennie, this is Carolyn and, uh, her partner Alice.
They're staying in my spare room upstairs.
They're in from L.A

Carolyn: We got trapped driving through your little town.
We were taking our daughter Norrie to To camp.
But we have to get out of here.

Alice: Our daughter is sick.
She had a seizure.

Big Jim: Does your girl have epilepsy?

Alice: No.
It can happen to anyone.

Caffeine, sleep deprivation.
I've seen it in my patients.

Carolyn: She's a psychiatrist.

Big Jim: Well, I'm sorry you ladies aren't discovering Chester's Mill under better circumstances, but trust me, if you're gonna be stuck somewhere, this is the place to be.
I've lived here my entire life, and, uh no place I'd rather call home.

Linda arrives, covered in blood

Linda: Jim.
I need you to come with me.
Duke's dead

Next day, in front of Julia's house

Julia throws  a tennis ball against the dome to draw the attention of the military guy

Julia: Look at me, damn it! Anyone?

Barbie: I wouldn't even bother.
I mean, you could strip naked in front of these guys, they're still not gonna pay attention.

Julia: I tried that an hour ago.
They didn't even blink.
I looked around, by the way, but no sign of your dog tags.

Barbie: Oh, yeah, no worries.
You know what? I probably just left them in my car.

Julia: So what makes you think these guys are under orders not to talk to us?

Barbie: Because they're not talking to us.

Julia: Maybe they did this, you know.
Maybe they're responsible.

Barbie: And why would they do that?

Julia: I don't know.
Could be, uh, an experiment.
Some sort of portable detention camp.
Maybe we're being used as guinea pigs.
Whatever it is, these guys are the reason my husband is trapped out there!

Julia enters in her car

Barbie: Were you heading?

Julia: The radio station.
They might not be talking to us, but they are talking to somebody.

Rennie's shelter

Junior: I told you, you're safe with me.

Angie: Mr.Rennie! Mr.Rennie! Help! Help! Mr.Rennie!

Junior: Angie my dad's not home.

Angie: Mr.Rennie! Mr.Rennie!

Junior: My dad's not home!

Angie: Mr. Rennie! Let go of me! Let go! No no! No! No! No! Ah! N Get off.
Get What the hell do you want from me?

Junior: Look, I just want you to go back to being the Angie I knew before yesterday.
We were doing great, and then this thing comes down and you you tell me to take a hike.
I think it scrambled your brain.

Angie: One of us has a scrambled brain, all right.

Junior: You can't see it, but I can.
You're sick, Angie.
But I'm gonna make you better.

Angie: If I'm so sick, then why don't you take me to the hospital? If you care about me so much?

Junior: Because he might still be there.

Angie: Who might still be here?

Junior: The guy I saw you with.

Angie: What guy? Yesterday? Outside the hospital? Barbie? The guy who came in with Mrs.
Shumway? I don't even know him.

Junior: Don't play dumb with me, Ange, I can see right through you.

Angie: All he did was give me a cigarette.

Junior: Uh-huh.

Angie: What did I ever do to you?! You loved me.
Junior I never...

Junior: Yes, Angie, you did.
And when this thing comes down, you're gonna love me again.

Angie: I will never love you! You were right.
That guy at the hospital, we didn't just share a cigarette.
He screwed my brains out, and I loved it.
I loved it more than I ever did with you.
You'll never be the man that he is.
Junior! Junior!

Chester's Mill Morgue

Big Jim: He was a good man.

Linda: I loved him.
He was like a father to me.
He was a good friend.
You know, just before he died, he tried to tell me something.

Big Jim: Tried telling you what?

Linda: He said there were things that I didn't know about Chester's Mill.
Things that he needed to protect me from.
What did that mean?

Big Jim: I wish I could tell you.

The reverend arrives

Révérend L.Coggins: What am I gonna do with another body? The cemetery is outside the barrier, and my freezer's full.

Big Jim: Show some respect.
This isn't just another body.
This is Duke Perkins.

Révérend: What's that?

Big Jim: Turn up your hearing aid, Lester.
I said this is Duke Perkins.

Révérend: Oh, no.
Oh, good Lord.
He's Duke Perkins.
Deputy Esquivel, I'm so sorry for your loss.

Linda: Thank you, Reverend Coggins.
I should get back out there.

Big Jim: Well, you're right, Linda.
Go out there and do your job.
I'll make sure Duke here gets taken care of.

Linda leaves the morgue, Big Jim notices that Coggins is on drugs

Big Jim: You're using our stuff.
You're high as a kite.

Révérend: So what? It's Judgment Day, Jim.
I might as well be feeling the Rapture.

Big Jim: The only reason we got into this was to try to save Chester's Mill.

Coggins: No.
That's the reason Duke went along with it.
You and I, we had other priorities.
All right?

Big Jim: I mean I mean, at least now, we don't have to worry about him talking.
Real man of God there, Rev.
Come on, let's go.

Coggins: What? Where are we going?

Big Jim: Clean up our mess.

Near the dome

Ben draws a door on the dome

Ben: Dude, found a way out.
Check it.

Joe: You're such an idiot.

Barbie approaches

Barbie: It's Joe, right?

Joe: Yeah, McAlister.
Dude, this is the guy who saved my ass when that plane went down.

Ben: He totally said it was raining arms and legs.

Barbie: Yeah, you could say that.
What are you up to?

Joe: So far, I marked these points, and by measuring the distance between them, I was able to come up with the Y coordinate, and then by multiplying it by its K integer...

Ben: He connected the dots.

Barbie: It's totally gonna be circle.

Joe: So far, it looks like it's about ten miles across.
It covers the entire Mill, including some of Lake Eastpointe.

Barbie: And you did this?

Joe: Yeah, but we're being really careful.

Barbie: Keep it up.

Barbie goes away

Ben: Where'd that guy come from?

Joe: Definitely not from around here.

Ben: How do you know?

Joe: Cause he's cool

radio Station

Phil: Come on, Dodee, you just had him.

Dodee: Patience, Philip.

Phil: Did you get something?

Dodee: Shh.

Military guy on the radio

Air traffic has been rerouted around Chester's Mill until further notice.
Continue to monitor the airspace


Linda ears a noise in Duke's office

Linda: What the hell is that? Jim.
What are you doing?

Big Jim: I was, um, looking for that.
It's Duke's will.
Go ahead, read it.

Linda: He, uh, left me his house.

Big Jim: Of course he did.
He treated you like the daughter he never had.

Big Jim goes out of the precinth,  goes into his car and discusses with Coggins

Coggins: Now what do we do? It was a close call.

Big Jim: No thanks to you.

Coggins: What was I supposed to do, phone you? So what'd you find out?

Big Jim: Nothing to do with propane.
Duke must have kept the records at his house.
Yeah, but it's not his house anymore.
He left it to the girl.
So you better get over there before she does.

Coggins: Me? What are you gonna do?

Big Jim: My job, Lester.
Now get out.
I'm the only councilman left in Chester's Mill.

I got a town to take care of.

Radio Station

Julia arrives

Julia: You made this?

Dodee: Yeah, I'm only three credits short of my master's degree in electrical engineering.

Julia: Wow.
How does it work?

Dodee: Well, this is a harmonic microwave frequency converter.
It turns low frequency waves into high frequency waves so that we can hear them.

Julia: Maybe you should just let me hear it?

Dodee: Okay.

Julia ears nothing

Um, sometimes it's hard to pick up.

Military guy
Further tests reveal dome appears to be impervious to high energy lasers and all class-A corrosive chemicals.

Julia: We're under a dome.

Dodee: Yeah, that's what they keep calling it.

Julia: Why haven't you told anybody?

Dodee: We're not a news station.
Hey, Phil?

Phil: And that was some face-melting rock and roll brought to you by I'm going on.

Dodee: I tried to stop her.

Phil: I'm sorry, what are you doing?

Julia: I'm going on the air.

Phil: No, you can't.

Julia: This is Julia Shumway from the weekly Independent.
I have some news for all of us stuck here inside Chester's Mill.
I have just learned that the barrier around Chester's Mill is being called a dome.
This information appears to be coming from military sources positioned just outside Chester's Mill, just outside the dome.
We will keep updating you as information comes in.

Phil: So stay tuned to WYBS.
Your only source of news from under the dome

Sweetbriar Rose

The customers listen to Julia's prodcast

Carolyn: What does that mean?

Alice: I have no idea.

Norrie: I do, Mom.
It means we're all gonna die in here.
This dome thing, how big is it? No idea.

CArolyn: We're under a dome? Are we gonna run out of air?

Linda: Until I find out where Julia got this information, I think it's best that we just all stay calm.

Client : What if it collapses on us?

Norrie: Great, now the sky is falling.

Linda: If we keep our heads and we stick together, we'll get through this.

Linda and Freedy leave the bar

Freddy: Hey, "We'll get through this"? Huh?You don't know what this dome thing might do.

Linda: You're right, but the last thing we need right now is for people to panic.
That thing took Duke.

Freddy: Who's next?

Linda: Pull yourself together and get out on patrol.
People are scared, and when people are scared, they start acting stupid.

Freddy: Yeah, you'd have to be stupid not to be scared.
You know, I just hope someone tries to blow this damn thing up.

Do you think he's gonna be okay?

Linda: He's got to be.
We're gonna need every man we got.
Think we'll ever see him again?

Freddy: Who, Rusty? Come on, Linda.
My brother's not gonna let some magic bubble thing keep him from seeing you again.

Linda: Yeah, that is Rusty.

Freddy: Hey, you know what? I probably shouldn't be telling you this, but he's taking you to Hawaii for your honeymoon.

Linda: That dog told me that I had to settle for Niagara Falls.

Coggins arrives

Linda: Reverend.

Coggins: Hey.
How you holding up?

Linda: We got our hands full, but I think we'll make it.

Coggins: Yeah, you're in my prayers.

He embraces Linda and steals her keys

Big Jim's car

Julia's prodcast on the radio

Julia Shumway, back with an update.
Additional reports suggest that the dome is not radioactive, but residents are advised to continue to keep a safe distance.
And now, something to take our minds off all this trouble.

Big Jim: What? Hey! Hey! Hey, stop! Stop! What the hell are you doing?

Fermier: I'm digging my way out.

Big Jim: No, you're not.

Fermier: What the hell?

Big Jim:  Any machine touches that dome, you're fried.

Fermier: Says who?

Big Jim: Duke.
His pacemaker blew right out of his chest.
He's dead.

Fermier: Duke's dead? Who's in charge?

 McAlister's field

Ben;: What if we're trapped in here forever? I'll never get to make out with Mila Kunis.

Joe: I don't think this thing is the only thing keeping that from happening.

Ben: Just think about it.
We could have met every girl we're ever gonna meet.

Joe: That is so depressing.

The young people see a military guy spraying the dome

Ben: What the hell?

Joe: They're doing tests.
Must be checking to see if water can come through.

Ben: Doesn't look good.
We're screwed.

Joe: Wait.

He touches the dome, the hand is slightly wet

Joe: It's like a sieve.

Ben: What the hell's a sieve?

Joe: A strainer, douche.
Like-like for pasta?

Ben: So it does let water through?

Joe: Yeah, just a little.

Ben: Maybe we can get through.
Aren't we, like, 70% water?

Joe: Yeah, it's the other 30% that's the problem, genius

Gas Station

Barbie: This and, uh, can you give me a pack of filtered? Actually, you know what? Make it three.

Caissière: Anything else?

Barbie: No, that's it.
Thank you.

Norrie: Didn't anyone ever tell you smoking's bad for you?

Barbie: Hey, no, these-these aren't for me.
It's an investment.
We end up getting stuck in here for a while, you would be surprised what people will swap for these things.
So I'd probably hang onto that candy bar if I were you.

Radio Station

Julia: What's wrong? You had it working before.

Dodee: It's not like punching in the presets on your car radio.
This takes finesse.

Julia: Finesse, my ass.

Phil: She's just diddling.
Sometimes she gets lucky.

Messag on the radio
Further tests reveal the dome appears to be impervious to high-energy laser.

Dodee: How's that for lucky?

Julia: Shh.

This is Mobile Ground Unit 2.
After exhaustive testing we are unable to determine the origin or the composition of the dome.

Julia: Oh, my God, the military doesn't know what it is.

Dodee: So?

Julia: So it means they didn't do it.

Phil: They're not responsible.
Who is?

Peter Shumway's cabin

Barbie searches the cabin in search of his dog tags

Barbie: Empty.
Come on.
Come on.

Junior: Hey.
What have you got there?

Barbie: Why are you following me?

Junior: So, this is where you did it.

Barbie: I don't know what the hell you're talking about.

Junior: This is where you screwed her.
I know all about you and Angie.

Barbie: Who's Angie?

Junior: Don't act like you don't know.
Looks like she put up a pretty good fight.
She belongs to me.

Barbie: That's too bad for her.

Junior: She still belongs to me.

Junior throws himself on Barbie but Barbie strikes him

Barbie: You just stay the hell away from me.

Junior: Or what?

Barbie: The next time, I'm not gonna stop.

In a field, near the dome

Ben and Joe perceive half of a guy body as well as a barking dog

Ben: His master must've been right here.

Joe: Someone must've dragged the rest of the body away.

Ben: Poor fella.

Joe: The dog's the poor fella? I kind of feel sorrier for the cut-in-half dude.
His name's Truman.

Ben: What're we gonna do with him?

Joe: We can't just leave him here.

Ben sees some smoke

Joe: Holy crap.
A fire.
Let's go check it out.

In the street

Paul arrives armed

Linda: You almost killed us!

Paul: I got something for you.

Linda: Paul, what are you thinking? This town is one click away from total and complete lawlessss.

Paul: When the time comes, I'm ready, and you should be, too.

Linda: We're on the same side here.

Paul: Yeah, for now.

Barbie arrives

Paul: Who the hell are you?!

Linda: Easy.
That's the guy that saved the McAlister kid when the plane crashed in the dome.

Woman speaking to the radio

Jackie: Linda, you there?

Linda :Get out here so I can see you.
Come here.
Go ahead, Jackie.

Jackie: Sarah Martin just drove over.
She says there's a fire at 223 Pretty Valley Road.

Linda: Oh, my God, that's Duke's house.
Get every warm body out there to help.

Paul: You can kiss it good-bye-- the entire Chester's Mill's fire department's out there and we're in here.

Linda: Put that rifle down and get your ass to Duke's.

Paul: You're not my boss.

Linda: Now.

She asks to Barbie to get into the car

Linda: You, warm body.
Get in.
Any fire trucks still here? Rusty and his buddies took them all to Westlake for that damn parade.
Clear the line and get to Duke's.

Big Jim heard the conversation

Big Jim: Damn it, Coggins.

Duke's house

Linda: Where's the fire department? Right over here! Come on! Right now, they're coming.
Hey, stay back! Stay back! Stay back! Help! Help! Somebody, somebody help me! Get out of the way!

Linda: What are you doing here?

Big Jim: I heard it on the scanner.
What happened?

Linda: I have no idea.
I'm just glad Duke lived alone.
Come on.
Everyone, please stand back.
Come on.
Keep a safe distance.
We have to put this out.
How the hell are we gonna do that?

Barbie: You guys still got your water pressure, right? So, go and get as many garden hoses as you can.

Linda: Hey, guys, we need hoses.
Go get water.
Whose got a hose? Whose is that right there? Grab your hose! Excuse me.
Brian, your hose! Backyard!

Julia: Barbie.
It hasn't rained in weeks.
We're inside a damn tinderbox.
If those flames spread to any of these other houses, it's gonna take Chester's Mill and us with it.

Barbie: Hey, everybody who does not have a garden hose, I want you to go get a bucket, get a pot, get-get a trash can, something.
Anything that can hold water.
Let's go.
Let's go, get buckets!

Coggins: Help.
Please help me!

Linda: Someone's inside.

Linda kicks out the door

Big Jim: Linda!

Coggins: Somebody help me! Help!

Linda: Anybody in here?! Hello?! Linda! - You okay?

Coggins:- Yeah.

Linda takes Coggins out of the house

Julia:: What the hell was Coggins doing in Duke's house?

Linda: I don't know.
Where did Jim go? -

Julia: I don't know.

Barbie: Get out of here, guys.

Barbie: There's a propane tank next to the house.

Linda: Oh, my God, that's a propane tank! Let's go, let's go, get out of here.
Come on, get him out.
Go, go! The flames are too high.
The hoses aren't cutting it.
The fire is spreading to the shrubs.
Get another hose over there.
There's not enough water pressure.
Can you imagine our neighbors back in Brentwood helping out this way? I don't even know who our neighbors are.
We got to go faster.
We got to go faster.
We got to get more water.
Come on.
Faster, faster.
Keep at it, people.
The fire is spreading to the fence.
The house will be next.
Deputy, give me a hand.
Over there, the bottom of the fence.
Bottom of the fence.
Get more buckets! Get some buckets in here.
The car's on fire.
Guys, back, everybody back.
This isn't gonna work.
It's like playing Whac-a-Mole.

Julia: As long as Duke's house is burning, the fire is just gonna keep jumping.
Then it's over.
Or not.

Big Jim arrives with a tractor

Linda: Hey, make some room! Let's go! Clear the street.
Get out of the street.
Let's go.
Hey, back up.
Everybody get back.
Everybody get back.
Let's go.

Ben: What the hell is Big Jim doing? Is he insane?

Joe: He's gonna tear down Duke's house.

Rennie's shelter

Angie: What the hell happened to you?

Junior: I took care of your boyfriend.

Angie:My boyfriend?

Junior: The guy you've been screwing.
Killed him.

Angie: No, you didn't.

Junior: He's dead, Angie.
He's never gonna touch you ever.

Angie: I don't believe you.

Junior: Why not?

Angie: I've known you since the third grade, James.
Even you couldn't do something that terrible.

Junior: That's my Angie.

In front of Duke's house

Julia takes photos, Barbie arrives, Julia ooks at his dog tags

Julia: Dale.
Dale Barbara.
I'm guessing that's you.

Barbie: Guilty.

Julia: Where'd you find them?

Barbie: Uh, you know what, they were actually just right there, where I left them, just hanging over the mirror in you bathroom.

Julia: Huh.
That's the first place I checked.
I must have missed them.

Jim goes to the ambulance

Big Jim: How's he doing?

Ambulancier: It's lucky Linda got to him when she did.
Took in a lot of smoke, but I think he's gonna pull through.

Jim: Mind if I have a moment with him? What the hell you thinking?

Coggins: You told me to clean up our mess.

Jim: You call this cleaning it up?

Linda's coming

Linda: How is he?

Big Jim: Well, there's someone up there watching over him.

Coggins: Thank you for saving me.

Linda: You're welcome, but what in the world were you doing in there?

Coggins: I was, uh getting a suit for Duke's funeral.
I switched on a light, and then I can't really remember the rest.

Linda: Must have been a gas leak.
The dome's right there in Duke's backyard.
Probably, uh, severed a line.
Well, we're just all glad you're okay, Reverend.

Coggins: Bless you, child.

Jim: Linda, thank you for saving the reverend.
I'm just I'm just doing my job.

Big Jim talks to people

Big Jim: Thank you, everyone, for a job well done.

Linda: Well, we couldn't have done it without you, Big Jim.

Jim: Ah I appreciate that, but, uh, this isn't about me.
It's about all of us.
We stood together, shoulder to shoulder, like a town should in times like these.
Now, this is not gonna be the last crisis that Chester's Mill faces, but we'll get through the next one with the same courage and solidarity that we showed today.
Thank you all.

Paul: Like hell we will.
Go ahead, pat yourselves on the backs all you want, but we're toast.
Great, you can put out a fire.
So what? That thing that thing is trapping smoke, and there's no way out.

Paul takes out his weapon

Jim: Hey, come on, man.

Freddy: Take it easy, Paul.
Back up.

Freddy: Hey.

Paul: Don't you tell me to take it easy.
You know, you're just like him.
You know, like, you're lying to these people, and you're promising that everything is gonna be okay, and it's not gonna be okay! This thing is never gonna go away, and we're all gonna die!

Linda: Paul, don't!

Paul fires at the dome but the bullet touches Freddy, killing him

Linda: Oh, no, no, Freddy! Freddy? Freddy, stay with me.
Freddy! Breathe, stay with me, come on.
Stay with me, Freddy.
Freddy, Freddy.

Kikavu ?

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choup37, 18.04.2024 à 08:49

5 participants prennent part actuellement à la chasse aux gobelins sur doctor who, y aura-t-il un sixième?

chrismaz66, 18.04.2024 à 11:04

Choup tu as 3 joueurs de plus que moi!! Kaamelott est en animation, 3 jeux, venez tenter le coup, c'est gratis! Bonne journée ^^

choup37, 19.04.2024 à 19:45

Maintenant j'en ai plus que deux, je joue aussi sur kaa

CastleBeck, Aujourd'hui à 11:48

Il y a quelques thèmes et bannières toujours en attente de clics dans les préférences . Merci pour les quartiers concernés.

Viens chatter !