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#303 : L'éclosion

Résumé: En détruisant l'oeuf, Big Jim libère les habitants des cocons. Toutefois, ces derniers ce rendent compte qu'ils sont toujours coincés sous le dôme, mais ils ne sont plus les seuls...Christine & Eva sont également présentes. Alors que Julia & Barbie se lancent à la recherche de Mélanie afin d'obtenir des réponses, Christine & Eva tentent de finir leur projet lié à l'oeuf.


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Photo de l'épisode #3.03

Photo de l'épisode #3.03

Photo de l'épisode #3.03

Photo de l'épisode #3.03

Photo de l'épisode #3.03

Photo de l'épisode #3.03

Photo de l'épisode #3.03

Photo de l'épisode #3.03

Photo de l'épisode #3.03

Photo de l'épisode #3.03


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France (inédit)
Lundi 21.09.2015 à 22:40
1.57m / 11.4% (Part)

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Etats-Unis (inédit)
Jeudi 02.07.2015 à 22:00
5.28m / 1.0% (18-49)

Plus de détails

Scénario :  Alex McNally
Réalisation : Olatunde Osanumi

Guest stars :

  • Marg Helgenberger : Christine Price
  • Kylie Bunbury : Eva Sinclair
  • Bess Rous : Abby DeWitt
  • Shane Callahan : Roger Lopez

They gets out of the hole. Barbie touches the dome.

At the hotel room.

Barbie: We walked into the white light and we just kept going... And the dome was gone. And we were free. The outside world, somehow it seemed more… More beautiful, you know, more vibrant.

Julia: Where was I?

Barbie: You were dead.

Julia: What did you do after I died?

Barbie: Julia.

Julia: I want to know what it was like for you.

Barbie: There was a funeral, and I met your parents. The only thing I could do was to get as far away from Chester's Mill as possible.

Julia: Where'd you go?

Barbie: Abuja. Kabul. I ran rescue missions. I dreamt about you every night.

Julia: Hey, it's okay.

Barbie: I met a woman.

Julia: Oh.

Barbie: She doesn't matter. None of it was real. What happened to your neck?

Julia: Your father came back. He brought the egg.

Barbie: My father did that?

Julia: No… Don's dead.

Barbie: How?

Julia: I think Melanie killed him.

Barbie: How could you even say that?

Julia: Because she tried to kill me, too.

Junior hits the dome.

Big Jim: Found this in an emergency kit. You should eat something… Come on home.

Junior: That's your home, not mine.

Big Jim: Course it's yours.

Junior: I-I don't know how I'm back here.

Big Jim: You were in some kind of a-a, a-a cocoon, and-and you never went anywhere.

Junior: I did. I moved on. I got rid of you… This time has to be different, Dad. I want to forgive you.

Big Jim: For what?

Junior: All of it. Locking me up in that bomb shelter, alone, in the dark. Leaving me up in that tree, forcing me to go get the belt.

Big Jim hits his son.

Big Jim: I saved you. You should be thanking me. You were a weak little kid. I just tried to make you strong.

Junior: I was stronger without you.

Big Jim: Where?! In your little make-believe cocoon world? You're still weak. You're pathetic and afraid… You can punch that dome as many times as you need to, Junior. You're back under it.

In Christine and Eva’s hotel room.

Eva: Three weeks. That's how long you and I were in those cocoons… Oh, my God.

Christine: I know.

Eva: Christine the last thing I remember was us finding that egg. And then I was in an alternate reality for, like, a year. In love with Dale, carrying his child. And now we've hatched and we're under a dome? None of this makes sense. We're anthropologists. But in that world, I was an aid worker. You-you were a therapist. Why were we different?

Christine: I can't tell you that, but… I think it's a good thing. If this town knew who we really are, that we were here to find that egg, we'd have a lot more to answer for.

Eva: All those hunts Hektor sent us on, do you think Aktaion knew what would happen when we found one?

Christine: Tomorrow we'll go to that town hall meeting and find out what we can.

Eva: No, I'm I can't see Dale. With her.

Christine: We have to go. People saw us in those caves. If we don't show up, they'll come looking.

Eva: Is it possible I'm pregnant?

Christine: I don't think so, hon.

Eva: It felt so real. It still does.

Christine: You have always talked about wanting kids. It'll happen.

Eva leaves and Christine takes the rock.

At school.

Joe: I guess the best way of explaining it is that we were in a simulated reality. Like The Matrix.

Hunter: Want to hear something weird?

Norrie: More weird than we were in a Matrix?

Hunter: I don't need my glasses anymore. I can see without them.

Joe: Maybe the goo that was all over us fixed your eyes.

Norrie: Well, yay, you can see, but we're still trapped inside this hell bubble.

Hunter: Want my sweater?

Norrie: Yeah.

Joe: Wh-What are you even doing here?

Hunter: Uh, I don't have a house to go to.
Norrie: Can we please go to sleep?

Joe: Yesterday we were together. But in the Matrix, you moved on without me... So what are we now?

Norrie: I don't know. It feels like a year's passed. And I feel different.

In the tunnels.

Melanie: They're dead. All of them.

Christine: Their cycle came to an end. And, unlike you, they won't be brought back to life… You had a job: lead the people to be cocooned so that the egg could infuse them with the life force.

Melanie: I tried. I did.

Christine: Really?

Melanie: I'm so sorry… Why were we chosen to do this?

Christine: You and I made first contact with the egg. When we touched it, we gained a complete understanding of the dome's agenda: survive and propagate.

Melanie: But I touched the egg first… 25 years ago. It should have been me inside the queen cocoon, not you.

Christine: But you died during the download. Three weeks ago, I came along. From inside my cocoon, I could see that this town was on the brink of destroying itself.

Melanie: What is that stuff?

Christine: Oxytocin. It's a mood regulator. It, plus the alternate reality, was essential to shape these humans into a functioning collective, so that we could gain a foothold. Except the transfer of the life force was interrupted.

Melanie: Because Big Jim destroyed the egg.

Christine: Because you didn't protect it. Everyone who was cocooned has a role to play. We need to finish what we started. Quickly.

Melanie: Well, I can't go up there. I'm surprised Julia hasn't come looking for me already.

Christine: I'll assess the townspeople and determine how much work is left to do. You handle Julia. If she shows up, kill her.

At the Town Hall.

Big Jim: Hey.

Man: Hey, Jim.

Big Jim: How are you?

Man: Jim.

Man: Hey, there.

Big Jim: How are you guys? How are you? Let's get this meeting started.

Sam: Abby. Water? It's clean. From my well.

Big Jim: It's good to see you all. Safe. Right back here in Chester's Mill.

Roger: You think we're gonna listen to you, Jim? You ran this town into the ground.

Big Jim: No, Roger, I didn't. I risked everything to set you free from those cocoons. Because I love this town. And I'd do anything for it. I'll get you back on your feet. But first things first. We need answers. For you, for all of you. For my son. The person that has those answers is Melanie Cross. And I won't stop until we find that girl.

Barbie: He's starting a witch hunt for Melanie. They'll kill her before we get any answers.

Big Jim: She knows what's going on in this town and I'm gonna find out what it is.

Barbie: Forget Melanie. You're the biggest threat this town's ever seen.

Big Jim: Hey.

Julia: Barbie!

Big Jim: I saved everyone in there!

Julia: Barbie! Enough!

Eva: Dale!

Julia: Who are you?

Big Jim: Answer the question. Who are you?

Christine: I'm Christine Price and this is my friend Eva.

Eva: Excuse me, I need some air.

Julia: And you all know each other?

Barbie: Yeah. We do.

Christine: Eva and I were in the alternate reality, as strange as it sounds.

Big Jim: Sounds pretty strange.

Julia: Everyone in the cocoons was from Chester's Mill… But you're not.

Christine: No, no. We…We were here on vacation. We went for a hike in the woods and wandered off the trail and…

Big Jim: And then what?

Christine: We stepped into some kind of a sinkhole, and emerged from those cocoons yesterday, along with everybody else.

Julia: When did you go on this hike?

Christine: Three weeks ago.

Big Jim: That's some story.

Christine: I'm a therapist. I helped this town recover from a trauma in the cocoons. It seems as if people could use that same kind of help now? Shall we?

Julia: You're staying out here.

Big Jim: Or what?

Julia: Or we tell them everything. Rebecca Andrea You shot Junior. How you came after me.

Big Jim: After all I did for you in those caves?

Julia: That doesn't undo everything else. Chester's Mill's still better off without you.

Big Jim: Oh, is it? Cocoons, alternate reality Yeah. Looks like everyone's shaken up. Except for Christine Price.


Abby: In the cocoons, we were back with our families and now we are stuck here, again, because of you, because of Melanie.

Roger: You gonna do something about it?

Barbie: Look, I-I promise you, I'll find Melanie. All right? I'll get us all the answers that we need.

Roger: What do we do?

Julia: I lost my home, too. If you have a house, open your doors. Let's share what we have.

Christine: The last time I stood in front of you, I urged you to find strength in community. We all have something to contribute. There's gotta be wildlife out there. Joe… You can build traps.

Joe: Or I could help find Melanie.

Barbie: No, Christine's right. We need to eat. I'll handle Melanie.

Norrie: Well, isn't there food at Andrea's house?

Julia: Uh, in the root cellar. Someone can take my car.

Norrie: I'll go.

Joe: I'll go with you.

Christine: And I'll set up an office, here in this building. If anybody needs support, come find me… Sam. There's a lot of overwhelmed people here. Do you think you could start a support group?

Sam: Why would I do that?

Christine: Your AA experience in the prison. You could apply it here.

Sam: People in this town see me as a murderer, not a counsellor.

Christine: Uh, just think about it. And do you think you could find your nephew? I didn't see him here.

Into the woods.

Julia: She called you "Dale."

Barbie: Julia, I said I don't want to talk about it.

Julia: The woman you had a relationship with is suddenly here, in the flesh. Of course I have questions. Don't you?

Barbie: Yeah. I do. About things that really happened. I was in a cocoon, my father's dead, you were nearly killed and Melanie can answer for it all. We need to find her. So, please, can we do that?

Junior is trying to kill himself.

Junior: He's right, you're weak, you're weak, you're pathetic. Oh, just-just-just do something right for once in your life.

Sam: No!

Junior: Go away, Sam. Leave me alone.

Sam: Go away! Hey. What's so bad that you gotta end it all? Come on. Tell me.

Junior: The life we had, in the cocoons? I saw the world. I I knew what it was like to be my own man, to be free from my father, and I can't be back under this dome with him again. I'd rather be dead.

Sam: Congratulations, kid.

Junior: For what?

Sam: Hitting bottom. You gotta get here before you're ready to change. Whatever you found in that other life can help you here… Give me the gun.

Joe makes a trap.

Joe: It works. There's more supplies in Andrea's garage. I'll get them and set up the traps around the property. Do you want to help me? It's been a while since we've wandered around those woods.

Norrie: We're not here for nature, we're here to get food. And then we have to take it back and set it up for everyone.

Joe: First you volunteer to schlep cans, and now you're throwing a dinner party for a town you hate?

Norrie: Well we're all in it together.

Hunter: Root cellar's out back… Come on, Zeta. Let's grab us some cans of corn.

Norrie: We'll meet you back at the car.

Joe: Hey. How does he know what sorority you joined?

Norrie: I saw him when we were back at the memorial. I must've told him.

At the Town hall.

Eva: You're really going to counsel people?

Christine: Until someone else steps in. I've got a PhD in biological anthropology. I know enough to coach people through a crisis.

Eva: Do we really need to lie about who we are?

Christine: We need to keep their trust. We're trapped here; the most important thing is survival.

Eva: When did you become so calculating?

Christine: Please. Remember when we found that meteorite in North Dakota? Who negotiated our exit with that wolf? We've been through so much together. We'll get through this. But first, we got work to do.

Eva: What's that?

Christine: Well, I'll stay here and try to calm people down. You go find the one thing that could expose us.

Eva: I I don't even know where to start.

Christine: We have found the remains of ancient civilizations. I'm sure you can handle this.

Big Jim waits for Eva and decide to follow her.

In the tunnels.

Julia: She's not here… That's where you were… And that's where I saw Melanie put the egg right before she tried to kill me.

Barbie: But you saved her. Protected her.

Julia: Yeah, and then she turned on me. And you can't deny what she led you into… Everyone in these cocoons was connected. You and Eva were together for a reason.

Barbie: Oh, here we go. Now we're back on this again.

Julia: We are. Barbie, I saw the way you looked at her. You were together for what felt like a year. That is so much longer than we've been together, so I understand if you still have feelings.

Barbie: You were not in one of these things, Julia. You can't possibly understand any of this.

Julia: I'm trying, but you won't talk to me. You're different somehow… Did you love her?

Barbie: I'm gonna keep looking for Melanie.

Julia: The tunnel branches off about 30 paces down… I'll be fine.

Big Jim follows Eva to the woods. She is digging. The dog comes.

Big Jim: Git Git.

It barks. Eva finds a camera. She hides the camera in her hotel room. Big Jim enters in the room. He finds the camera.

At Andrea’s home.

Norrie: It's better than nothing.

Hunter: Not by a lot.

Norrie: Well, maybe we can find a stockpile of Girl Scout cookies somewhere in here.

Hunter: NYC Punk? I didn't know Andrea, but she had serious taste in music.

Norrie: It was probably her kids'. Unless, you know, she also played lacrosse… Hey, look. Before there was Katniss, there was me at summer camp. No TV, no boys, just singing and swimming and sports.

Hunter: Your camp sounds a lot like a sorority with less beer pong… Hey. What's wrong?

Norrie: I want it back… That life... I was a part of something, and it felt good.

Hunter: You know there's a way we can feel good right here under this dome.

He turns on the music.

Norrie: You're an idiot.

Hunter: You know you want to dance, so come on.

Norrie: No.

Hunter: Just a little head bob, you know? All right, well, you're welcome. Let's keep hunting for grub. The town's counting on us.

At Town hall.

Sam: "Support group next door… You're all here to see Christine?

Abby: She offered to help; we need it.

Sam: Christine was my counsellor while I was in prison. I learned a lot from her. This morning, she asked me if I would lead a support group.

Abby: You?

Sam: Yeah.

Junior: I'm not staying. I can't just tell a bunch of strangers all my problems.

Sam: Junior, I don't think you should be alone right now.

Junior: You have my gun. You can't babysit me forever.

Abby: I was giving her a bath… And we were singing a song when it all ended. And I can't lose her again.

Sam: Can you survive one hour without your child? Abby? That's where you start. I'll be here any hour you need. For all of you.


Junior: Excuse me, there's, um, people in there, waiting for you.

Christine: Oh, shoot. I was out looking for food. It's good to see you again, James.

Junior: We never really met.

Christine: How you doing?

Junior: I'm okay.

Christine: Now, how about the truth?

Junior: The truth? I don't know how I'm gonna survive here. In that other world, I killed my father, I was ready to burn down his house. That was the life that I wanted to be free from him. But I'm here.

Christine: You were about to make a breakthrough…. If you really want to be who you were finish what you started. Drop the match. We are what we do…. We are what we do.

In the tunnels.

Barbie: Julia!

At the cocoon room.

Julia: Everything started here.

Julia finds a card. Melanie watches her. Barbie arrives. Melanie leaves.

Barbie: Are you okay?

Julia: What happened?

Barbie: I found Ben's body… His neck was bruised just like yours. He said he saw Melanie in the alternate reality… He didn't die from an asthma attack. He died because she killed him here… I'm sorry I left you alone… I think all this was way more real than I wanted to admit… Including Eva.

Julia: Tell me.

Barbie: I mourned you, Julia… Time passed… And I fell in love with her. And that, with her… That feels like yesterday.

Julia cries.

Joe brings flower to Andrea’s house.

Joe: Andrea.

Norrie and Hunter laugh.

Norrie: Stop.

Hunter: Hey, Davy Crockett. Why'd you shut the party down?

Joe: "Party"? This is a crime scene. What the hell did you do with Andrea?

Norrie: She was like that when we got here. We covered her and moved her.

Joe: You put her outside? Like trash?

Hunter: Ever smelled a dead body?

Joe: I've known her my whole life. Even if you guys didn't, she was a human being.

Norrie: Joe, she would want us to eat. What's the big deal about us listening to music while we search for food?

Joe: You're right.

Joe leaves.

Big Jim’s patrol car.

Big Jim: All right, let's see what old Thelma and Louise are up to.

On the video.

Eva: And we're rolling.

Christine: According to the dark flight calculations of the meteoroid and magnetometer readings, we believe we have located the target here in Chester's Mill.


Big Jim: Therapist, my ass.

On the video.

Eva: Is it intact?

Christine: It's perfect! There's a faint dusting of quartz. Possibly amethyst?

The eggs becomes violet.

Christine: There appears to be some kind of energy reserve.

Eva: Christine, I think you should put it down.

There is an explosion.

Eva: Drop it! Drop it! Drop it, Christine!

Christine screams. The video stops.

Big Jim: What the?

Big Jim gets off his car, Junior burns his house.

Big Jim: Junior! What the hell have you done?

Junior: I'm just doing what I have to do in order to move on.

Big Jim: What?!

Junior: Christine was right. I needed to finish what I started.

Big Jim: Christine? Let me tell you something. She's not who you think she is. Those cocoons? I think she's responsible.

Junior: I should thank her. I've never been happier.

Big Jim: This makes you happy?

Junior: I don't feel it. It's gone.

Big Jim: What's gone?

Junior: You. You don't exist. You're not my father anymore.

Junior leaves.

Joe finds a pig in one of his traps.

Joe: Shh, it's okay! It's okay. I'm not like them. I'm like you trapped.

He frees the pig.

Joe: Go find your friends.

Norrie kills it.

Hunter: Nice shot.

Joe: Why'd you kill it?

Norrie: It's what the town needs, Joe.

In the hole.

Barbie: Your leg okay?

Julia: I'm good… Aah!

Melanie catches Julia and Barbie falls in the hole.

Melanie: Looks like it's just the two of us.

In the hole.

Barbie: Julia!

Gunshot. Melanie and Julia are fighting.

Julia: Melanie stop.

Melanie: I'm sorry, Julia. This needs to happen. Get off!

Julia: Melanie…

Melanie: I should've just cocooned you, like the others! Things would've been so much better.

Melanie strangles Julia and Christine stabs her.

Christine: Are you okay?

Barbie gets up.

Barbie: What happened?

Christine: I was out looking for food and I saw this girl… She, she was strangling Julia. Oh, my God, what've I done?!

Julia: You saved my life.

At the lake.

Barbie: Guess this is as good a place as any… The place where he died.

Julia: And where Melanie came back to life.

Barbie: Now we'll never know why she did that to us… I just need a little time alone.

Julia: Of course.

Barbie: Hey. I love you, Julia. We're gonna get through this, okay?

Julia: I love you, too.

Barbie: I'll be back in an hour.

Julia: I'll see you back at the motel.

Barbie: Yeah.

Julia crosses Big Jim on her way to the motel.

Julia: Overkill for a fishing trip.

Big Jim: I'm getting out of here.

Julia: You're leaving town?

Big Jim: Do you know what happens inside a cocoon? That fuzzy little caterpillar liquefies. And when it comes out, it's something else. Those people, they're, uh, they're not the same.

Julia: Well, of course they're not. Think about what they've been through.

Big Jim: No, I mean they're not the same. They've changed. Junior, he-he burned down the house, and whistled while it blazed, all dead behind the eyes.

Julia: He finally stood up to you.

Big Jim: I know my son. That's not him. You think your precious little Barbie's the same? No way.

Julia: Barbie and I are gonna be just fine… But you? You're run out of town. You do whatever you need to rationalize that.

Big Jim: Listen. I'm right about them. Just like I was right about everything else.

The dog gets in the boat.

Big Jim: Get out of here. Get out of my boat! Go home… You ever hear of the designated survivor? He goes off on his own when the president and all the bigwigs are doing the State of the Union… Well, bud, that's you and me. We're gonna be out there on Bird Island.

Christine records her voice in her office.

Christine: James was the closest a seed, ready to sprout once he shed his fear. With the right amount of nurturing, Sam could be next. They came when I signalled, without knowing why. The life force has taken root. Some are compelled to serve their duties… Some will require cultivation… Others must be pruned away. Weeds are stronger than they seem, a threat to what must blossom. But, with careful tending, this kinship will grow into what we need it to be.

The people of Chester’s Mill groups before the town hall. Eva takes Barbie’s hand. They look at the moon.

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